2nd Skies Forex is a Forex trading course provider owned and operated by Chris Capre. This service provides traders with trading ideas, free trading lessons, recommendations, tools and most importantly 3 different trading courses to help traders become more profitable. The website includes a multitude of free training videos, so that you can get a better understanding of Chris’s teaching style, and see if it fits your needs. We certainly recommend spending a few hours on their YouTube channel before doing anything else.

As earlier mentioned, the owner and front man of the service is Chris Capre. He claims to have 15 years of experience using price action, with over 40,000 hours behind the charts. As part of his journey, he claims that he started live trading after the single month and turned a $3000 account into $83,000. Then, just as fast as he gained it, you lost it in the course of a month. He believes his expertise is forced and a trial by fire, because of the ups and downs that he went through in his early trading life.
Chris claims to be located in Canada, but there is no company headquarters address provided. In order to get in touch with support, traders can fill out a contact form on the website, or phone (415) 992-7045.
2nd Skies Forex Review
The 2nd Skies Forex website is very professional, with the first message we see telling us to “change the way you think, trade and perform.” Chris believes that through neuroscience, medication and multiple decades of trading experience, that he has a skill set that makes in the perfect person to turn you into a successful trader. They don’t teach any cookie-cutter candlestick setups, but instead of focused on teaching traders to truly understand price action in order flow, so that they become long-term winners.

There is also a free trading e-book available, which requires you enter your email in order to gain access. This type of marketing is normal with courses as seen in our recent reviews of Falcon Trading Guidance, Traders Academy Club and Desire to Trade.
Free Beginner Course
Before you sign up with any of the 2nd Skies Forex courses, it is recommended that you work your way through the 12 chapter beginners guide. While this guide is quite basic, and isn’t going to have a drastic impact on your trading, it’s important to prove to yourself that you can make it all the way through this guide, before you spend any money. The last thing you want to do, is sign up with the trading course that you are ready for.

Just to be aware of where you are is a trader, and then you will know if you are ready for a informational Forex trading course.
Advanced Price Action Course
The most popular course offered by the 2nd Skies Forex team, is the advanced price action course. The purpose of this service is to teach traders price action, while simultaneously increasing their confidence, discipline and consistency. By the end of the course, traders are expected to be able to trade on any instrument, timeframe and environment.
- Costs $255
- 50 hours of video lessons
- Trade setup commentary & quizzes
- Private member webinars
- Forums
- Trading analytics
- Psychology development

In terms of courses, this is priced competitively. As you can see in our Forex course reviews, there are many courses that cost over $1000, so it’s good to see that this service is affordable.
With a different sections, and 52 separate lessons, it’s clear that there is a girth of knowledge in this trading course.
Advanced Ichimoku Course V2
The second course, is the Advanced Ichimoku Course, which aims to help traders find unique support and resistance levels to utilize with their current price action trading style. This course goes for $265, and comes with a trade setups for, 10 hours of video lessons, monthly analysis, private member webinars and trading analytics.

This course seems much lighter than the advanced price action course.
Advanced Traders Mindset Course
The last course available, is the 2nd Skies Forex advanced traders mindeset course. This goes for $375, and comes with 20 video lessons, a 12 part meditation series and ongoing member webinars. The main purpose of this course is to help traders built a successful trading mindset. In order to do so, traders need to understand their brain, how to develop stress, and many other aspects of emotional IQ.

This is essentially the hippies guide to Forex trading.
Trading Results
The trading results section is not as important when it comes to Forex trading courses, but we generally do like to see some sort of verified proof that the creator of the course, can actually win trades.
While there are mentions of analytics, and an image with a Myfxbook chart on it, there doesn’t seem to be any actual trading results. It would be nice if Chris Capre connected some of his trading accounts to Myfxbook to show us his skills.
All we could find, was a video from 2017 that showed some performance numbers, but none of these were verified.
Client Feedback
The client feedback for 2nd Skies Forex is overwhelmingly positive with 4.8/5 star rating on FPA with 129 reviews. When clients do leave a negative review, Chris addresses them professionally, which is another positive.

At the current price point, the 2nd Skies Forex courses are affordable, and clearly packed with a fair bit of knowledge. We aren’t big trading course promoters here, but there aren’t any real red flags to speak of with the service thus far.
If you have any experiences with the service, please leave your questions and remarks below the review now.
2nd Skies Forex $255-$375
- Pricing
- Strategy
- Trading Results
- Client Feedback
- Customer Support
2nd Skies Forex is a Forex course developer with 3 different courses available.
3 courses
Professional traders
Girth of knowledge
Great client feedback
No trading results (not a big deal for courses)