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Privacy Policy

Here at Forex Robot Nation we take your privacy very seriously. We have taken all the necessary actions to ensure that your privacy is respected and protected. Regardless of how the information is collected or stored it is well taken care of.

Rest assured, we only collect, use or disclose personal information for legitimate business purposes. In this privacy policy we will outline the 10 responsibilities and how we adhere to these regulations on your behalf.

Everything for Forex Robot Nation, also goes for Trade with Pat VIP.

Accountability: Forex Robot Nation is committed to protecting the privacy of it’s users. We trust and value all those involved and know that maintaing this trust requires that we can be transparent and accountable in how we protect the personal information provided to us. There is a designated privacy officer involved with Forex Robot Nation who is accountable for the entire website’s compliance with the Privacy Policy and acts as the primary contact for information privacy and security issues.

Identifying Purposes: Forex Robot Nation will identify and document the purposes for which we collect, use or disclose Personal Information at or before the time of collection. The purposes will be limited to those which are related to our business.

Consent: In order for you to become a member of our mailing list we must first receive your consent via double opt in.

Limiting Collection: Forex Robot Nation ensures that the collection of information is limited to only that which is required.

Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention: Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for puposes other than those for which it was collected except as required by law.

Accuracy: Forex Robot Nation takes every reasonable measure to ensure that personal information is accurate, complete and up-to-date as possible.

Safeguards: Here at Forex Robot Nation we have taken very specific measures to insure that your personal information is safeguarded. Any items containing your personal information are disposed via electronic deletion or shredding where needed.

Openness Concerning Policies and Practices :All our practices and management of personal information are forthcoming. We have print and electronic versions of our privacy policy available.

Individual Access: As a member you have access to your information. In a timely manner, personal information will be ammended as requested.

Challenging Compliance: A challenge concerning compliance with the above principles should be made to the privacy Officer at:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information please feel free to contact us at any time. We appreciate your interest.

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