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Welcome to the VIP Trading Room

Welcome to TWP VIP

This is my passion project, currently providing signals and educating hundreds of traders daily!

By joining & using TWP VIP, you agree to the terms of service & disclaimer.

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First step, watch this video covering where to use the signals, how to use the signals and more:

šŸ‘‰ Make sure you subscribe and hit the bell šŸ”” for weekly trading lessons to help you get the most out of the VIP room!

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I provide both Forex and GOLD signals in 2024.

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Free Trade Copier

You can now copy all the VIP signals directly to your trading account.

Updated 10/30/2023

By downloading the TWP VIP Free Trade Copier, you agree to the terms of service & disclaimer.

There best was to take profit in 2024 is by opening 1 trade at a time, and managing that yourself when possible.

You can set TP1 only, or TP2 only and then manage that trade as it goes.

I don’t recommend opening 2 positions, 1 for each take profit level. I find this method unprofitable.

Every trader is different, so how you like to use our signals, will be different from other traders. Find what works for you, and profit with us!

If you have any issues with the Copier I suggest moving to the MT4 version, as that’s the version that I use.

The best way to use the signals is opening 1 position at a time, and being involved in the process completely. Your ability to let trades ride, cut trades short, set break evens properly is going to give you the BEST possible result.

NEW: Select Channel! (works for GOLD as well)

Watch these videos to learn how the copy trader works.

Frequently Asked Questions (About Trade Copier)

Thanks to our VIP family member Mark R. šŸ† for writing the majority of the FAQ!

What is the Forex Robot Nation Trade Copier?

The Trade Copier is software that takes signals from the VIP member’s area and copies them to the member’s trading platform.

How does it work?

VIP members install two pieces of software on their Meta Trader 4 platform. First, they install a Telegram connector, currently named TelegramToMT4. Second, they install the Forex Robot Nation Copier v1_00 in the appropriate folder. Complete installation instructions are included with the software download.

Does this need to be left open?

Yes. Everything needs to be open!

MT4, The TelegramToMT4 & Telegram itself need to be open in order to receive trades. All of these programs can be minimized, and they will still work.

You need to be a VIP member in order to receive trades.

Required GOLD Setting Change

If trading GOLD in the GOLD room, you will want to set your PIP TOLERANCE to 20.

I entered the wrong Phone Number, what do I do?

Just double click on the account file in the same folder as the Telegram_Connector.

You can enter the correct phone number, like if you forgot to put a +1 or something.

What If I can’t leave my computer on?

There is no reason to turn off a computer in 2022. They are built to be left on.

But, if you want a separate server for your copy trader, or your robots, you can pay monthly for a VPS.

These are the two VPS companies I use:

Worldwide Clients:

United States Clients:

A VPS is just a computer on a high speed network. You can connect to your VPS from your phone or your computer at anytime to change settings, monitor results etc. The server stays on 24/7.

Installing files to a VPS is very easy, you simply login to your VPS, then you will see a desktop just like your own. You will be able to open the web browser on the VPS, go to websites, download robots, copy traders and install them normally.

When getting a VPS, you just need to make sure it’s Windows. Start on one of the lower plans, you can always upgrade later if you want to add more robots / copy traders on your server.

TelegramToMT4 Requirement

It is important to see a blinking cursor inside of TelegramToMT4, if you do not see this blinking cursor, it means that TelegramToMT4 is PAUSED. Simply, click your mouse inside of the TelegramToMT4 window and you should see blinking again.

This is no longer the case always (we have reports that it can work without a blinking cursor)

TelegramToMT4 Crashing

One VIP member said the program was crashing because he forgot to add +1 for the country code.

After he did this, it stopped crashing.

How to use only TP1 or only TP2?

If you want the copier to open a trade exclusively for TP1 or TP2, simply put -1 in the Lots TP1 or Lots TP2 above.

In the image below, since -1 is in the Lots TP2 section, the copier would only open a single trade for TP1 at 2%. It would not open a trade for TP2, because -1 is in the Lots TP2 section.

Using TP1 only, is a low risk way of using the VIP copier.

The best way to use the signals is opening 1 position at a time, and being involved in the process completely. Your ability to let trades ride, cut trades short, set break evens properly is going to give you the BEST possible result.
Why is Forex Robot Nation Copier showing a sad face or generally not working :(?

Your chart should look like this, with a happy face.

You need to allow autotrading / live trading.

Go to Tools > Options

Then click Expert Advisors tab and Allow Automated Trading

Or Right click on your chart, go to expert advisors > properties

Then go to the common tab and tick Allow live trading

This will resolve the sad face issue.

How many charts do I install this on?

You only need to install the Forex Robot Nation Copier on 1 chart.

You DO NOT need to install it on every chart.

What to do with pairs that look like USDJPYi or EURUSD.HKT?

In these cases you need to add a suffix. This is shown in the video above.

So next to suffix you would enter .HKT or i

box color=”black” align=”aligncenter” class=”” width=””]I can’t enter my password into Connector[/box]

If you can’t enter your password into the telegram connector.

Just simply type and press enter.

The password is just hidden for privacy purposes.

If you struggle with doing it this way then put your password in a notepad, then copy it (Ctrl + C), and paste it (CTRL + V) into the connector that way.

I actually had to do this myself, and it works.

Does this work on MAC?

Yes, the MAC installation guide is now included in the ZIP download file.

This installation guide was graciously provided by our member Joey G šŸ’Ŗ

Why was it written?

The number one issue our VIP members face is ā€œmissing the signal.ā€ So, we wrote this software to ā€œcopy and pasteā€ the signal to their trading platform for them. It does this while they are working, driving, eating, sleeping, spending time with family and friends or watching Trade with Pat videos šŸ™‚

Who is this for?

VIP members only who are serious about trading.

What does it cost?

Currently, itā€™s included with the membership. Youā€™re welcome.

How do I get it?

Join the VIP group and follow the setup instructions.

Why do I have to be a VIP to get the software?

The Trade Copier is ideal for those traders who are trading multiple signals a day. It does not make sense for inactive traders.

Who is responsible if I lose money?

You are. You have always been responsible for losses, poor risk management and any other risky behavior in the market.

Will I get rich with this?

No. Many of our members use these signals to grow their accounts. Some, quite successfully. Even with the fantastic results our members see in the VIP group, it will not make you rich. Trading is a disciplined skill and only the most elite traders are able to become unreasonably wealthy by trading. However, if you want to grow your account and ā€œearn while you learnā€ then VIP membership and the Trade Copier could be ideal for you.  

How are Results Reported?

Currently, we report results based on the best conditions of a single position.

Which is why, we recommend opening 1 position at a time, and managing the trade to the best of your ability.

If a trade hits SL it is triggered at -1%.

If a trade hits TP1 it is reported at +1%.

If a trade hits TP2 only TP2 is reported, so 2-3%, whatever the TP2 is.

So, if a trade hits TP2 and the TP2 is 3%, we don’t claim the trade won +4%, the same way we don’t claim -2% if we hit a SL.

I do believe this is the best way of reporting because it is in line with how the majority of our clients use our signals, and with proper trade management, these are the best possible results.


1) Check blinking white cursor on script
2) Check if that specific message was parsed corrrectly and visible into the script window
3) Check on MT4/MT5 if that signal was handled correctly

Solve problems

1) you have accidentally paused the script
2) internet connection problems or copier possible problem due to bad message format
3) if signal not arrived to metatrader, copier is very probably not installed correctly

If all 3 steps are ok, no reasons for not seeing trades opened rather than broker related or misconfiguration problems (like opening 100 lots with $100, set acceptable lot sizes / risk %)

The Main Trading Strategy Used in VIP

If there is anything else you would like to see in here, any questions, anything at all. I will make specific videos for each.

I look forward to growing your accounts!

Much love.


  1. Thank you for all you nice video’s, they’ve been really helpful in my trading journey!
    I have two questions about the trade copier:
    1. I understand that I’d have to leave my computer on to use the copy trader. So I was wondering, can I install it on my iPhone instead? That’s always on, except when updating, maybe, but that’s the same for my laptop.
    2. Can I try this with the free signal? Just to see if I can get it going?
    Thanks a lot!

  2. hi, i installed the copier as said in the video but it is not copying..i set it as the video and the conector received the signal but it did not put it on the MT4…it already happened two times…

  3. Hi Pat, team,

    I have joined the VIP Forex TG group and set up the trading bot downloaded on this page, in my MT4 it’s showing a happy face for the 1.05 Copier selected to TWP VIP channel, but somehow the connector just won’t sync any messages from the VIP channel. I have the “Connected to Telegram” and the cursor is blinking, and I have put both files in the MQL4 folder.

    May I check if you are aware of such situation? Tried in my machine and in VM as well, and it was same situation.

  4. Can you please povide a set file that you use?

  5. I saw in 2024 that there are some gold trades on the VIP TWP copy trader. Did you merge those FX and Gold into one VIP room? Or still two separate copy traders?

  6. Hi Pat, hope you are doing well.

    All good with signals, since I joined, like 2-3 weeks and you are on fire šŸ™‚ thanks for that.

    I only have a concern and hope you can answer, when you send the signal the trade in MT4 is placed at different price, this causes to not win as planned, for example, if a trade is planned to win 1% since entry price is placed at different price which you sent, it wins like 0.7 or 0.8% and not 1%. Can you suggest what do I have to change?

    Hope it is clear.

  7. Hi, I cant open the MAC Installation file: Adding onto – can you provide a doc or pdf?
    Is it possible to use a cloud copie provider like tradersconnect?

  8. Patrick,

    I signed up for the FX & Gold. Set the Gold up but not understanding the different set up to activate the FX copier. Assistance please.

    Thank you,

  9. Thanks for the comprehensive info.
    A few quick questions though.
    1) In the case where one runs multiple instances for MT4 and/ or MT5, should one instance of the Copy Trader be opened for each MT instance or is one good for all?
    2) same for Telegram
    3) how can the free trades be automated? ie which channel should be chosen?
    Thanks in advance

  10. Hello ,

    Everything is set as it should be , i see a smiling face.

    The connector receive the signal from group , but the transaction does not take place. I doubt this is happening because of my small bank , is there a way to adjust how much is entered into the trade?

  11. Hi, I installed everything following the instructions. But the cursor isn’t blinking. What can I do to fix this?

  12. Hello, I just signed up for the FX & Gold VIP. I have MT5 account, and all of the instructions for the trade copiers are for MT4. Can someone please help?

    • HI Rick, the installation for MT4 & MT5 is the exact same. If there is a point in the instructions you feel it is different, please email us with an image and we will provide a solution quickly.

  13. My cursor isn’t blinking. what can I do to resolve the problem?

  14. Hi – is there a set file for the Trade Copier – Iā€™m currently signed up to your Gold VIP room.

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