Today I’m analyzing a new signal provider that aims to earn between 300 and 1,500 pips per month, Forex GDP. The vendors main tag line is that the “quality of trade signal is more impotant than quantity of trade signals.” While the grammar of their slogan isn’t the most impressive, they want the community’s know that they put a concerted effort into every signal they provide.
According to the sales page, the service was started in 2001, but in doing a WHOIS domain search, it’s apparent that this website was first registered in 2015. So, either the developers are being deceptive in terms of their data of origination, or they’ve been providing services under different names before the launch of this service. I won’t rule out either option, until more information is provided. In order to get in touch with support, traders can email support@forexgdp.com, or add “forexgdp” on Skype.
Forex GDP Review
The website layout is convoluted as it is some sort of a hybrid between a blog and the Forex GDP sales page. In the blog portion of the website, there are generic educational articles, and brief trade signal analysis posts that give more insight into their trade approach. Both of these types of articles, are helpful but don’t offer much detail when it comes to their trade methodology, and what they are looking for in terms of trade setups.

While the sales page doesn’t provide much information, there are more details available in their frequently asked questions page. One of the interesting elements they discuss, is their rotation of trade analysts. According to the FAQ, if a losing signal is provided by any of their analysts, that analyst must step aside, and allow for another analyst to provide the next trade in order to protect traders from a string of bad decisions.
Considering how important the analysts are that are providing the signals, I’m surprised that we aren’t introduced to any of them. Sadly, we are frequently asked to trust signal providers or analysts without ever being introduced to them, this is also the case in my recent reviews of Pip Wizard, PipPhenes and Sky Pips.
- Type: Forex Signals
- Price: $84-147/month
- Strategy: Big Trades, Commodity, News, Jackpot, Trend Reversal
- Timeframe: All Timeframes
- Pairs: All Pairs

There are currently 3 options available for traders interested in the Forex GDP signals service. There is a free membership, a premium membership and a supreme membership. Free members get 2-4 signals per month, using basic setups, looking to achieve a target of 90-150 pips per month. These signals are sent to via WhatsApp exclusively.
The premium membership goes for $84 per month, and provides traders with 8 to 12 signals during this period looking to achieve a target of 300 to 700 pips of profit. With this membership, traders get access to trend reversal signals, and big trades signals. Neither of these strategies are explained in any detail. The signals are sent via email and WhatsApp.
Lastly, the supreme membership goes $447 per month, and provides traders with 16 to 25 signals with the goal of reaching 700 to 1500 pips of profit. This membership plan provides traders with all of the different trading strategies, full email support, and the signals are provided via email and WhatsApp.
Trading Results
Despite having many different articles analyzing different trades, the Forex GDP team does not provide us with a full trading statement, or any verified trading results. There are no Myfxbook or FX Blue accounts, instead we have to go through 115 pages of trade analysis blog post to see how the services been performing. Yet, the issue with this type of trading results is that it is not verified, and the vendor could easily be cherry picking winning trades to ensure that the service appears a viable to potential clients.

I certainly find myself saying this way too often recently, but Forex signal service providers need to start using statement sharing websites, to prove to the market that their signals are truly viable. We shouldn’t have to keep relying on screenshots, or in this case, blog posts in order to determine whether or not the service is worth our time.
Client Feedback
With 30 reviews online, Forex GDP has a 3.8 star rating from 30 reviews. Yet, the last 2 reviews are quite contradictory, with one 5 star, and the other 3 star. The 5 star review is very impressive, with the client claiming that the developer does everything in their power to help educate traders alongside providing profitable trading signals. The 3 star review is from a trader who claims that the vendor is not posting all of the losing trades, which was one of my concerns in the trading results section of this review.

It’s been about a year since our last update on the Forex GDP services. Though, not much has changed. Still the same busy looking website and the exact same approach to their signals.
There is still no transparency when it comes to trading results, and the trading strategy is equally as vague or non-existent.
In terms of client feedback, we get a client come in here from time to time saying they are doing very well, but they never back up their claims. Not a single response to our questioning about trading results, which makes it feel like these comments aren’t real, or are sponsored in some way.
We aren’t asking for much, just proof that this works.
I’m not totally sure where I land yet on the Forex GDP signal service. I believe that this service has potential, but needs to address my concerns about transparency and trading approach. I would like to see proven and verified trading results before I sign up with any service, and I don’t feel like that’s asking too much in 2018.
Thanks for reading the review, and please feel free to leave any questions or comments you may have now.
Forex GDP $84-147/month
- Pricing
- Strategy
- Results
- Client Feedback
- Customer Support
Forex GDP is a well known Forex signal service that uses multiple trading approaches to provide viable entries.
3( reviews)
Good support Many options Multiple strategies
High price No verified results
I’m just starting out with their free service having watched from the sideline for quite some time now; I’ll update later with data from myfxbook.
Pros and Cons of GDP signals and my trading proof
Here is my trading proof of Forexgdp signals: myfxbook.com/members/fxgdpsignals/gdp-signals/8533011
Forexgdp is really a very good signal provider, but what you need is patience to hold the trade for at least 1 or 2 days to see some good profit. I personally follow their highest signal plan supreme, I do scalping and also swing trades using their signals.
I grew my account more than 50% in few days.
I can say their pros and cons.
1) All signals given with strong technical analysis and reasons – this help you to trade their signals with confidence.
2) You can catch the big move in the market earlier because their trade setups are mostly very clear and provided accurate on time. sometimes, they share the setup too earlier before market reaching the key area. You can get ready for better entry.
3) Good risk-reward and winning ratio if you follow them properly.
4) Very useful education and motivational contents in trading. check their telegram page.
5) Awareness message given during the big economic news release times to protect your trade safely.
1) Less number of signals – I understood they provide good quality signal instead of more quantity signal. but i still expect more.
2) signal pricing is high – if you take the 1 month plan, price is higher, but for 3 months or yearly plan price is low. If you don’t feel the price is high, you can go for it without any doubt, but if you feel the price is high, try their free service first before purchasing their paid plans.
3) NO autocopy service.
In my experience, I can say that they are really good at what they do. Their motive is to help others in trading instead of making money. You can check their site and telegram page to know whether they really give good market analysis or not.
Do you work for Forex GDP? As these are their results.
Do you have your own results?
Thanks in advance.
I am their subscriber, Above is my myfxbook account created just for following their signals. i do own trades using their signals direction. I really like the signal analysis from them, i will update you more
I see. It looks like a vendor account because it is named “fxgdpsignals,” not Dhavan.
i get 5 signal from them
2 signal tp (total 80 pips)
1 close entry
1 sl 80 pips (eurgbp worth than other pair)
1 running in – 10 pips
, after 5 signals i have , i’m in negative
Hi Tho, maybe save up data from a month, and report back with your Myfxbook?
4 day trading with forex gep , i get 3 signals
– buy euraud + 60 pips
– sell usdjyp still running (+10 pips)
– buy eurcad still running (+3 pips)
everything is good, i don’t know why everybody blame on forex gdp
Things change, maybe their analysis is getting better.
Update buy eurcad hit tp
Usdjyp miss 5 pips to hit tp and turn to (-5pips)
, i really like signals from forex gdp
I will update more
I want to subscribe, how do i go about it?
There signals are great. For last few months i am trying there free signals on my demo account.
When i asked them for giving me 1 month trial of their premium or supreme, they told me try free unless and untill you are not satisfied. It looks Legit .
They says if someone follow their 2% risk management, he will ended up into profit. That means if you lose consecutive 50 trades then your account will be washed off.
At last my results were great. With help of them i grew approximately 5% last month (free signals).
They have following advantages and disadvantages:-
1, reward risk ratio is high. It ranges from 1:2 to 1: 10.
2, no missing of entry point.
3,clear rules. No changing of tp, sl. The trades will hits tp and sl. Nothing else.
1, very high charges. Supreme package approximately 147$.
2, so you need at lest 5000 – 10000$ account to be profit, after giving there charges.
My rating is 4 out of 5.
There are many fake reviews in forex peace army. Don’t believe unless and untill you use there service.
In my life i only found two company legit.
Pipswin and forex gdp.
1% risk 2% risk.
Can you provide Myfxbook results to verify these results?
I just buy 3 month vip with forexgdp, i will post my result , see all again after 1 month
Hi Tho, sounds great. Try and get them on Myfxbook!
Looks like they’ve made some changes.
Anyone using this in 2020?
Hi guys, now i am in their premium signal service. Their signals are good analysis is very informative. but they are sending only limited signals. i understood that forexgdp signal focus on quality more. but due to limited signals, i took own trades on my account along with their signals. i have all their signal results, you can pm or mail me. i will share you my trading results. Well, forexgdp team offers free trail for long time, so you can join in their free forex signal service to know their performance and see their results live on your own trading account. You can test their signals using their free service, Forexgdp clearly mentioned in their site, “you can try their free signals until you satisfied, later join in paid signals”, so you can test their signal service easier for free. My recommendation is, if you want more signals you can try for 1 month services or else just keep watching their signals until you get confident.
Hi Ashuraa, please just provide the results here.
Please I will love to see the trades u took with Forex GDP signals , u can email me
It’s weird that none of these clients saying the signals are doing well have responded to you when you ask for trading results.
Seems shady.
Well, As of now im getting only their free signals. I haven’t subscribed to their premium packages yet. But one thing I can tell you is that all the analysis they are marking on charts are legit since i know the technical analysis. 4 out of 7 signals ending up in profits. And one of them closed at the entry price only and one currently running. I strongly believe good signals alone doesn’t give us returns , there should be a proper Risk and Money management too.
So of now I don’t have much to say about that since I hardly traded on their calls. I’ll update here after a month or so. I’m not going to subscribe to their packages now. I’ll wait and watch few more months.
Hi Praveen, I look forward to hearing your updates and seeing your results.
Yeah, I made good profits with their signals by following their signal guidance properly. They are sending analysis accurately at right price point. i love it. because it reduces my risk and increases my rewards to huge level. So far in supreme service i made my account to grow up well.
Hi Solan, can you please show us your results?
Forexgdp signals are good. Their technical analysis is very informative and useful. I have purchased 12 months signal package after trying their free service for few days. Now, i have completed 8 months with them. i recommend others to follow their signal guidance and instructions properly to trade according to their signal strategy. Their winning ratio is more than 80%. Don’t do overtrade with same signal. if you have patience, you will win big with their signal service. i grow up my trading balance well.
I’m using forexgdp service for 9 months. I can’t say they have many losing trades. Winning trades are more than losing trades. They have break even trades which they don’t post on site. some of the users misunderstand that it is a losing trade. Users who blame forexgdp should read their signal guidance properly. But, if there is a loss as per their signal guidance, they are definitely posting the losing trade on result page of forexgdp.com with the technical reason for buying or selling in the market. I recommend forexgdp team to provide auto trading service or atleast MAM or PAMM account service. Forexgdp signals are good for manual trading.
I agree with volker a lot losstrade they dont show on performance site. About 80% of their signals make losses.
i use them for 6 months and a lot losstrade they dont show on her performance site
Thanks for sharing Volker.
I have been with their free signal services for 3 months they are doing good I only lost 1 trade now I am about to subscribe their services.
That’s really good Anthony. Can you put your results on Myfxbook for us to see?