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About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.


  1. These people are a scam. Within 2 days I lost nearly a third of my account. Don’t believe their myfxbook accounts and don’t believe anything Ian Wallace tells you. Stay away.

  2. Think this offer better than 6.7
    Doesn’t cost anything to join so price is zero.
    Not many better managed account that I found after many years

  3. performance at 2.5/10?
    Must be a mad mistake. this track record is 4+ years with 5% month,…….

    More like 9.5/10

  4. hi,
    no i cant share my account because i dont have investor password to publish it.
    But in the broker user area I see trade history and balance, open trades etc.
    they cant give client investor password because client use history for other social trading sites….etc
    But the performance is very good, i think better than 2.5/10 :):)

  5. yes, they used to do myfxbook but they wrote me and said they get over 300 unique IPS logins to Mt4 account when they enter investor password. So they said it not secure, they are sharing the password and making a copy trade, so they will not use it again.

    I got used to fxblues now.

  6. They have public performance here.

    Pin is 0300.
    I track it all the time.
    They are real figures.
    They have myfxbook too they sent me but they prefer to share fxblues.


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