Perfect Trend System is a Forex product provider offering signals, manual trading systems, robots and indicators. They essentially sell just about everything under the sun, when it comes to the Forex market place. We will review their offerings, provide in-depth analysis and let you know all of our findings.
The creator of the service is Mike Semlitsch, a trader who’s been in the business since 2007. He first launched PTS in 2017, and has added many different services to his product line since. Mike has an active twitter account, and had a different blog before PTS called Forex Falcon. The service itself seems to be run completely by Mike, as their is no mention of a team, or any other traders.
In order to get in touch with support, there is no email address, so you have to connect with Mike via his twitter account, which we linked to above.
Perfect Trend System Review
It’s really difficult to review the Perfect Trend System because the website is filled with many different services. To do it properly, we would almost need to do a separate review for each product that’s offered. Yet, we will try to generalize, and come to conclusions by reviewing the systems based on their popularity.
V Power
The most popular product this group offers is their Perfect Trend System V Power offering. This system goes for €143 for 12 months, or a one time fee of €239. It comes with an MT4 expert advisor, an installation manual and access to the telegram group. A free version is also available, which allows traders to use the exact system for an unlimited time on AUDJPY and EURCAD. With the free version you are limited to just these two pairs, but testing it in this manner would definitely help you understand if you want to purchase the full version.

The goal of the V Power system is to give traders an effective day trading strategy to help with trade entries and exits. We do believe that the strategy is effective, but don’t expect to understand it quickly. In order to be successful with this approach, traders need to put in the work. This is not often the case with other recent reviews we’ve completed, like EA Sapphire or MaxPipFX.

It all starts with 5 trading articles the client needs to read just in order to fully understand the concepts they will need to be aware of to use the strategy. After the articles, the team provides details about each phase of the strategy with very specific examples. So, you know exactly what you are getting involved in, before you have to pay a dime.
Outside of V Power, the Perfect Trend System also has manual strategies for Double Tops / Bottoms, Magic Entries Within Strong Trends, Perfect Momentum Setups and Trading Indicaotrs. Each of these projects, also has full details, and associated costs.
The Perfect Trend System Forex signal service costs €84 per year. The product comes with “M30/H1 Double Top/Bottom Signals for 33 instruments in real-time to your smartphone or computer via telegram messenger.”
Each signal provides traders with the price entry, price stop, tp and an image of the chart. They are quite easy to follow.
The price is right, the signals are presented well, and the strategy is well thought out. They are missing verified trading results though, so we aren’t sure how well the signals are performing, which rules them out of the best Forex signals providers.
EdgeZone Expert Advisor
On top of the signals, and the manual trading systems, the Perfect Trend System team also offer the EdgeZone Expert Advisor which goes for €59. This program comes with access to the EA, the installation manual and the telegram group. Traders can also use the software for free on the AUDJPY and EURCAD pairs exclusively.
The robot trades three different styles:
- Trend continuation trading
- Trend reversal trading
- Price range trading

The strategy is well thought out, but like the signals service and the manual systems, there are no trading results.
There are very few aspects to take issue with when it comes to the Perfect Trend System. The website is well put together, with clear instructions and much more detail than most products we review in the Forex market.
The only real drawback is that none of the products come with any performance results, so we can’t guarantee how well they work. It would be beneficial to everyone if the vendor uploaded some trading statement to Myfxbook and showed us exactly how well the systems work. It’s apparent, that the team is quite knowledgeable when it comes to Forex, but we would like to see that knowledge in action.
If you have anything you would like to add to the review, please do so now.
Perfect Trend System €59-€239
- Pricing
- Strategy
- Results
- Client Feedback
- Support
Perfect Trend System is a provider of Forex robots, indicators and signals.
3.4( reviews)
Multiple options
Detailed strategy
Intelligent creator
No trading results
Require max effort
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