There is a new forex system available and it is known as Trend Trading Blueprint. It is also provides training developed by John Chen and Russell Maxwell, unknowns in the market. I will make sure that I will give you details in this review and give you the complete and unedited assessment. The price for this system is $7 and it is being sold on the Clickbank payment processor.
Tagline: Predicting The Market SUCKS! Revealing a Simple 2-step Formula that Humiliates ANY Market Forecast Expert…
Website: (currently unavailable)
I don’t recommend Trend Trading Blueprint. This is not the type of Forex sales page that impresses me and I have not heard anything good about this Forex robot at all. If you have something to add I would love to hear about it. Until then, I am not interested.
The only results for Trend Trading Blueprint are screen shots showing potential trades on candlestick charts. The problem with not having any type of Forex results is that it really cannot show a true image of the strategy itself and thus does not depict how the Forex product will actually perform. This is our opinion on Trend Trading Blueprint on behalf of Forex Robot Nation and an adroit ascertainment of the market for Forex products itself.
Here at Forex Robot Nation you will be able to find the best reviews on Trend Trading Blueprint from real Forex traders. We have a strong community that are fully involved in the process of our Forex reviews which include a dedication to testing and discussion. Our users and expert traders will be able to help you earn a lot of money utilizing Forex trading systems and strategies.
If you have any information about Trend Trading Blueprint that you would like to contribute to the conversation then you can leave your thoughts below. Generally the products that get the most posts are obviously the most popular but keep in mind there are many products that don’t have the hype but certainly have the profit.
Please feel free to contact us at anytime regarding new Forex Robots, Expert Advisors and any trading software you feel we should recognize, review and test.
It is time for you to have your say on Trend Trading Blueprint so leave a comment below and tell the Forex Robot Nation community what you think! If you like it or you hate it we want to know everything about Trend Trading Blueprint.
Never tried it, but looks a lot like guppy isn’t ?
I haven’t bought their system but i tried their freebie system. The system repaints like mad. If you’re new to forex and look at the history on the charts, it looks as if it picks the tops and bottoms perfectly. Don’t be fooled.
Yep and John Chen has been around before pushing eas in the past for memory. Keep well clear lads you will get burnt but I suppose for $7 the burns wont be tooo severe!!
Hey Admin,
Is someone really slipping up??? (1) The Trend Trading Blueprint is an manual system and not a robot.(2) William Morrison was the guy behind Fx Replicator and (3) Brad Dixon (its an alias i believe) is the guy behind AfterWorks Signals and you have never heard of them as stated in your reviews. Come on now, we look upto you guys to provide us the low down info on the systems and the developers behind them.
Buck up and pull up your socks.