Here it is, Real Wealth Income Generator is hitting shelves and bound to raise a few eyebrows in the Forex market. Read my official review and find out all you need to know about this system.
With tons of Forex products in the market, how do you choose which one to go for? Are you sure you are making the right decision? Or is it going to be a mistake that costs you? This is what I will find out today about Bill’s latest Forex trading program.
Tagline: Create both short-term income & long-term wealth from anywhere in the world with Forex.
One of the newest forex products in the market right now is the Real Wealth Income Generator. This one is from the creative mind of Bill Poulos and his company Profits Run, Inc. This one promises to bring something that all people will be grateful for. It is going to offer help to those who have no idea what forex trading is all about. And it is also going to be a guide so people will know when to trade and when not to trade.
Who is Bill Poulos?
Bill Poulos has been in the industry since 1974. He holds degrees in engineering and in finance. He started Profits Run, Inc. with his son, Greg. This is his financial education company. He is teaching people what rich people do to earn money so he can level the playing field. His company has taught a lot of students already and they are still continuing to do so.
What is the Real Wealth Income Generator?
This is a trading program. Poulos claims that this one will not be an automated system. He believes that the market could change drastically and that there may not be foreign exchange soon. In this system he looks at other valuable trades including gold, silver, energy, copper, and agriculture trading. Of course, there are just a few of those which he considers has real value and there will be more in the package.
This program is going to help people learn when a trade should be opened. Or if a trade needs to be closed. Of course, this is certainly much like what other forex trading programs do, the only difference is that this one focuses on trades which can provide real value.

Swing trading is what this is all about. It is said to be not that risky compared to day trading and compared to scalping. It is also said to bring in more profits compared to position trading. With the help of the Real Wealth Income Generator, those who are new to the industry can easily learn how to utilize this.
Poulos is quite honest when he says that this program does not promise to make people rich quickly. He also said that it is not the kind of program that you just set and forget. He says that it will teach people how to find markets that hold real value. Users will still have to make their own decisions in the end. The program will only serve as a guide.
If you would like to contribute to this review I would appreciate it, just scroll down and leave a comment with your thoughts about the Real Wealth Income Generator.
You can always rely upon Bill Poulos and his “Profits Run” for a few key things:
a. He won’t go away (no matter how hard we all wish he would)
b. His products are hyped up to the nth degree with his sales marketing skills (which are considerable)
c. He’ll go to extremes (including threatening emails eventually) to avoid any refunds
d. Loads of excuses why the “product” won’t work for you…. but no-one else is complaining….
e. He knows his market’s desperadoes who are seeking just anything to get out from under and finally make FOREX work for them – although interestingly he’s now diverting/diversifying into stocks, shares, CFD’s, EFT’s, options etc (wonder whether that’s an indication that the FOREX generation is now pretty much wise to the fact that his junk just don’t work?).
f. Anything that Bill Poulos churns out will be $1997 plus numerous “must have” upsells at $500 each. The product will stop working after a year when he cuts off the data-feed unless you pay him $497 a month (or for continuity as a good customer accept a lock-in at a lesser price. That extortionate pending demand is hidden away in the small-print.
g. That his offering won’t work initially. The softwares he produces aren’t tested properly and take most of the 60 days to get working (wonder if these aren’t just other refund deferral and avoidance measures?)
h. Not only will Bill’s products NOT make you rich quickly, they will help impoverish you and enrichen Bill – and isn’t that what it’s all about?
i. Most FOREX afficionados know about Bill and steer well clear. It’s the tyros who continue to get roped in in their hordes. Bill preys upon greed and fear and offers a glib quick solution – but it’s one that will never eventuate. His walking wounded clients are normally just far too embarrassed to tell anybody about how they got sucked in and just write it off to experience.
j. Why might I appear to be so bitter? Well I accepted Bill at his word when he offered to extend the Forex Income Engine refund period for ten days – because they couldn’t get it to work. When I asked for my refund, after having proved it to be a dead loser I was told that the refund period had expired and that if I tried to send it back they wouldn’t accept it. No-one at Profits Run support would acknowledge the extension. They just wouldn’t discuss it.