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The Price Action Protocol Review

the price action protocolHey traders, today I am going to write and review a new manual trading method called The Price Action Protocol.

So the main question here is what exactly is this manual trading strategy? Well obviously the Price Action Protocol comes with price action based strategies. It comes with 5 action setups and teaches you exactly how to use them. There are really no hints as to how these methods perform so you do still have to cross your fingers and close your eyes here. The product costs $87 and it is being sold on the Clickbank payment processor.

The Price Action Protocol Quick Video

Please watch this fast paced video looking at price action and the methods provided in this latest guide.

In the video I discuss the sales page and I go over the manual price action strategy a little further in detail. I will  discuss a little what I focused on now. First, manual systems never really provide any results and this trading guide is no different. I would like for them to provide us with some sort of screen shot at least showing us a trade set up. I know they don’t want to give away any of the set ups but this would at least give me a little insight as to how the method works.

The owners of the product are more than welcome to come here to Forex Robot Nation and provide us with this information, just something about the strategy, I would appreciate it.

The Price Action Protocol Wrap Up

So we know it is a manual trading system and that it is based on price action. We don’t know anything else. If that is enough to go on then feel free to buy the software.

At this point I cannot recommend it due to a lack of information and user reviews.

If you have an opinion on this new strategy then leave a comment below, I appreciate it.

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.


  1. My argument is still valid here. Why not automate the trading if this price action protocol method is so wonderful? Chances are, there is no strategy here at all. Not coding it into an EA these days should make everyone a bit wary immediately!!! Manual slaving away is not the future, even remotely.

  2. Hey Patrick,

    I am also interested in this product and I found your page when I searched ‘price action protocol review’. I watched your video review and you pointed out that nothing is mentioned about the strategy on their page. Well if you actually go to their home page they put up posts regularly which talk about their system with the current markets. This looks legitimate and promising and will probably purchase next week.

    – Erin

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