Pro FX system is a new manual trading strategy that claims to boast a 91% winning rate. The developer of this system believes that you can make over $7000 in five weeks or less and that he knows how to do this because he is a blackballed former stock market whiz turned himself into a rogue outside trader. I have no idea what this means but it sounds like a bad movie trailer.
Today I’ll be providing a review on this new manual trading strategy and letting you know my opinions on it.
Pro FX System Review
Just like the last product I reviewed the Pro FX system developer Harry Patterson provides us with what looks like a fake my FX book screenshot. In this screenshot we see that the third party account has gained over 3000% and they claim that this is verified. However, when you take a closer look at the screenshot you will notice that it is not clickable. That means that you cannot click on this image and go to the my FX book to verify for yourself that it is real. Without providing us with that I definitely think that it is fake.
The Pro FX system just like the last software comes with a few different modules and I’ve come to the conclusion that this is the exact same developer as the system that was released just yesterday. We see here that the website designs are the exact same and that the videos and my FX book accounts and the layout are 99% the same. That doesn’t mean necessarily that these are bad products but I really don’t have a good feeling about either of them.
I will not be recommending the Pro FX system today to any Forex robot nation readers. I don’t believe that this system truly has a 91% winning rate and I don’t believe the strategy being put forth. It also doesn’t help with a my FX book account on this website looks falsified and there are no other results to back up their claims. If you would like to add to this review please leave your comments below. Thank you for coming to Forex robot nation today and reading this article.