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Pips Monster Review

pips-monsterPips Monster is a new robot that’s been built to allow traders to grow their trading accounts from the comfort of their own homes. This software makes traders money in the Forex market even if they have no prior experience.

Today I’ll review this product and let the readers of Forex Robot Nation understand the consequences of dealing with this vendor.

Pips Monster Review

The pips monster software can be used any time of the day and only requires 10 minute per day to make more money than most Forex traders. In ten minutes per day the developers of this system expect to turn a $5,000 deposit into over $80,000 in 8 months. They are looking for traders who are not happy with their current results in the Forex market because they feel their strategy is profitable and easy to understand. The system includes two Forex strategies, one of which is automatic and totally hands off. There are no complicated indicators as the system focuses on price action. The monster also guarantees that the software will increase your accounts by at least 30% per month.

I’m at the point in the review where I feel I have to burst the Pips Monster bubble. While I would like to believe that all of this information is true, there is little to no proof at all that it is. This is common in the Forex market but there are many systems in this market that do have proof and if I have to choose between a long shot and a sure thing, I know what direction I’m going in. Outside of a few screen shots of sample trades, a visual backtest in a video and some equity chart images there’s really nothing to go on here. I hate to just dismiss systems because they don’t have any live or demo testing but they really don’t leave me much choice, that’s the nature of the market these days.

Today I won’t be recommending Pips Monster. I believe that this developer needs to do a better job at providing us with information and results. I will wait and see if they do provide results and then make a final conclusion. As of right now, we just have to wait and see if this system works for the rest of the community before we purchase. There is no reason for us to be the guinea pigs here. I hope this review helps you make the right consumer decision.

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.

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