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Welcome to the Forex Robot Nation Members Area!

Please watch this brief introduction to find out what the members area is all about.

Thanks for joining me here at Forex Robot Nation. I’m really excited to share with you my experiences, tests and different services I’m involved in.

First, please fully embrace the community!

Channel Now Called Trade with Pat FREE

Members Area

No matter what your experience level, you can benefit from this free membership.

If you are new to robots, you may want to start out by downloading my Free Forex Robot.

There are many other important links as well that will help you with your trading experience.

Below are a couple videos showing my favorite robots & signals in 2024.

Best Forex Robot 2024

In this video, I go over the Best Forex Robot in 2024. It’s my robot, Forex Fury, that I work on daily to ensure the best possible results.

Best Forex Signals 2024

We are over 1 year in my VIP trading room and it’s it’s performing very well for over 1100 VIP subscribers!

In this year, we added two new analysts, a free trade copier, & much more!

Thanks for checking out the members area.

I’ll be adding more information here over the coming days as I let you know what’s working, and what isn’t.


  1. Hy Pat I m in yoir Foorex and Gold Signals Group with the Copy Software, wich works on Forex but not on Gold, there are NO Trades in my MT4 in Gold. In the Terminal Software there are some Gold Messages but they dont arrive in my MT4 !!??? Best Regards Ralf Lissner please help me, there was a Nice Trade miss in GOLD….

  2. Hi Pat, I downloaded and installed the trade copier with my funded account. I followed your video to set it up as TP1 = 1 and TP2 = -1 since i am not looking at TP2 at this point but i couldn’t found any parameter for position size. Not sure how to set it up. Could you please advise.

  3. Hi Pat, this is Sudipta from Toronto. I just joined your VIP signal service paying the monthly fees. I am a novice trader started with a funded account challenge. Could you please let me know how I am going to get the daily signals, is it through emails or on my mobile number or through the telegram channel.

  4. does this work on demo to test to get it set up before live trading

  5. Hi can I use your copy trader with virtual serwer on mt4 so I don’t need to have my pc on?

  6. I’m doing a funded account challenge, what would be the best settings to maximize profits while not risking more than 5% in a day, with the VIP copy trader?


  7. Hi, I am trying to change the lot sizes. At the moment, the copier is not letting me choose which lot size I want. Can you help? Thanks!

    • Please follow the guides in the VIP members area on how to adjust lot size or risk %. I just use risk % it’s way better because you can set it to risk 1% of your account per trade no matter if it’s a swing or a day trade.

  8. Hi, why does your telegram robot tells me VIP subscription is not available atm? how do i join the vip signal group?

  9. The trade copier hasn’t copied over to MT4 for the last couple of trades including the USDCHF trade today. The telegram connector has received it so is there something in MT4 that’s not working?

  10. Hi sadly I can’t use your Robot I use M5

  11. Hi
    Can you show me how to download free forex robot please.


    Paul Stevens

  12. Brother i Can Trust your Signal Service. I Join 4 Fake Signal Service and lost.
    Can You Please help Me.

  13. Hi Pat, I just subscribed to the VIP channel. Do you have a free MT4 trade manager?

  14. i waill be waiting for your replay thank you

  15. hey this may be a stupid question but i need to know with the copy trader do i have to manually attach it to the different symbols when the trades are sent? also in the video when you were using copy trader you were manually closing trades. will those trades be closed on my end aswell automatically? im very confused. also i only see a few of the symbols. could you explain why? im using hankotrade ecn plus

    i have: nzd/usd eur/gbp aud/usd usd/jpy eur/usd gbp/usd

    im missing: nzd/cad aud/chf aud/jpy cad/jpy gbp/aud

  16. Im needing help getting the bot onto my MacBook Pro. I followed the steps but its not working. Would anyone be willing to walk me through it via zoom or something? please email me if so

  17. Hi Pat,

    Loving the copy trader for your signal service!

    Is there any way of making the trailing stop active for TP2 only, so when let’s say for instance that TP1 is hit then a trailing stop and start for TP2 is activated and kicks into effect as soon as TP1 is hit?

    From my understanding, it’s either you use the trailing stop from the beginning of the trade or you don’t. I could be wrong. If you don’t have that feature, that would also be a very helpful addition!



  18. Hi Patrick,
    I downloaded the robot on my phone but how do i install it on my computer as i can’t send the file by email to my computer.


  19. how to have MT4 platform?

  20. Can your free Robot work on MT5?? if yes, how do you install on it??

  21. Hi Pat,

    For any of the EA’s is it essential for it to be running off a VPS? Can they function without a VPS?

  22. Chris angel galeana bravo

    Hi Patric I’m really interested to learn forex I know very little about it, But I want to pay for your vip signal service while I learn just so I can put some of money to work for me instead of having it sit in a savings accounts. during what time do you send your trade signals during the night or daytime I want to Know so I can coordinate my time since I live in Mexico.

  23. Pat awesome content and super reliable reviews. I joined TG and like all the vids, have signed up to the email and confirmed from this site, though I am looking for ForexFury set files..not sure where to go from here. Many thanks mate. B

  24. Hi Patrick, Any chance you can reply to the comment I had posted few days ago..I have emailed you as well. Based on your feedback I will decide which way I want to start investing in Forex…
    Appreciate you taking time for us

    Thanking You

  25. Dear Pat,

    How do I pay for the free signals memberships?

  26. hi patrick

    do you have investor account to be shared for one of your recommended robot with not martingale strategy?

    There are a lot EA offered outside, but most of them just blown the accounts. I am looking for profit consistent robot that I can invest in it. I would like to buy that kind of robot if you have the ones that I am looking for.



  27. hey Patrick m really glad to have gone through your channel. m struggling with EA installations. i managed to download them via the link you provided. added them according to how you taught us unto the expert advisor folder trying to add them on chart i cant seem to see them anywhere while i refresh my navigator. please i dont if theres any specific software i need to add on my pc for them to reflect.

    your advice will be highly appreciated

  28. Hi my name is George and im a novice trader who’s still i college. Ive been watching videos of people growing $30 accounts with their technical strategies, and has me wondering if your VIP signal group can do the same for me??

  29. hello sir,i would like to know your opinion,i work from 8h00 am to 4h30h pm and i don’t have time to follow the signal and do analyze on the forex market.can i use the ea ?

  30. Hy frn. How are you hope you fine my question is how many pips you will give per week

  31. Hello FRN, I am James and I would like to know how your Forex Robot works and how i can subscribe to both the Robot and your VIP signals. Can you please send me a detailed email.
    Regards to you.

  32. estou entusiasmado ,na próxima semana irei tentar utilizar a vossa ajuda, obrigado, grande familia.

  33. I’ve been sending you emails about the set up installation but I have yet to get a reply. Can you please give me a different guide on how to set it up, I might have done something wrong, I’m not sure.

  34. Hello , I want to ask you if the vip subscription will be renewed automatically ?!

  35. Hi Patrick,

    I am so lucky to have found your site. I am a complete newbie with this. I signed up but I do not see where I can deposit using a credit card.
    Thank you for your assistance and maximum blessings to you!


  36. When will Fury v4 be out of beta?

  37. Hi Patrick, im needing so helo to trade Robots cant i open a cent account with robots u us hotforex broker and live in Zimbabwe whats the best vps for me? Thanks for your hard work doing researching on all things to do with forex

  38. i am not sure that my STEAM is working properly. How can I send you a photo?

  39. Please am not good in operating laptop or computer,can someone help me,or can I use Android phone?


  41. I have so much enjoyed your reviews of bot, signals as we see in the market, helping traders in decision making. I don’t know if you have come across Odin bot of the FRT. It will good if this bot can be reviewed.

  42. Hello Sir,
    Greetings. I downloaded the free strattle bot and installed it in my MT4. And I followed the video for the setting and cannot properly set it for effective usage. Twice I worked up to getting Optimization Result and nothing will show as results. At the stage of History Centre to choose forex pair, a warning message popped up. Also at the stage of setting the Tradehour, Straddle space and Take Profit, I did not understand how the parameters can be set well. I request to be personally guide to do the set. A written process will also help. It is good to know this to help one when installing and setting up the licenced Bot I wish to buy.
    Thank you,

  43. Hi Admin i am new here and need to download the free version for live trading. please show me where to do this and the best setting to achieve optimal result

    • Hi Samuel, I don’t recommend the free systems for live trading. They are more for demo trading, learning how it all works and testing. You will want to use paid systems for live trading.

  44. Some days ago, I downloaded the free Forex Fireball Trading Robot. It didn’t pick any trade throughout last week. However, it picked 3 trades today (GBP/USD). The first 2 were positive, while the 3rd was negative.

    Most important is what I observed about the TP. I have never seen a TP moved to the opposite direction like a trailing stop. But I witnessed it in the 3rd trade today. Before the trade hit the SL, TP moved across the entry point to -28pips.

    Please I don’t understand why this should happened.

    Thank you

  45. Is it safe to run multiple ea robots on 1 platform. For example the 2 that you rank the highest?

    Thankxx in advance.
    P. Jonkers

  46. Hello FRN

    The license of Steam is 4. If I will use 1 for live account and 3 for demo account, can i reuse the 3 license again into live acount?

    Because maybe later on I can found good pairs which needs to use all 4 license into live account.

    Thank you FRN

  47. please admin my my forexfury robot as not been picking trade on fxpro, please help

  48. hey, I just recently join the email list, what should I do next? or is there any freebies?

  49. I have been watching my live account (Oanda is the broker and I started with $1,000) very closely and have been wondering if anybody else is experiencing the same thing. I do not yet have a demo account. I attached Forex Steam 9, the light version on my live account around April 4th, 2019 and had no trades for about 3 days then this was followed by 12 winning trades, and no losing trades. Steam last traded on May 2nd 2109. Today is May 9th. Is this long period without a trade normal and has anybody else experienced the same thing around these dates, May 2nd to May 9th?

    • It’s good that you have had such a great winning streak with Forex Steam. There have been some trades during this time, so you should check your setup, and make sure your MT4 account is active.

  50. how does steam work if you want to close manually

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