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How to Set up Forex Robots and Accounts

How to Set up Forex Robots and Accounts

If you are new to forex trading you probably want to know how to do a lot, because there is a lot of knowledge needed in order to profit with forex robots.

The first thing you need to learn how to do is basic, how to set up forex robots.  While many think they know how, they often still make a lot of mistakes.  This is a little guide to help you step by step set up your mt4 forex trading account so that you get the prime results.

  1. Start by getting yourself a forex broker.  Hunting for a forex broker can be very difficult so this is a step you want to spend a lot of time on.  There are many brokerages in North America and in Europe, you want to make sure that you get a broker that works for your location, and that you have a strong internet connection to.
  2. Once you have your broker you can move onto this next forex robot step.  You need to download the metatrader 4 software from your brokerage.  Each forex broker is different but it should generally just be a click and download process.
  3. Now you have your forex broker, and your forex terminal downloaded and installed.  You now have to download the forex robot that you purchased and set it up.  Most forex robots come with guides to help you set them up the right way but we will tell you the basics.
  • What you need to do is take the forex robot .ex4 file and put this into the Experts folder where you installed the forex metatrader 4 terminal.
  • Then take the .dll if there is one and put this into the Libraries folder where you installed the forex metatrader 4 terminal.
  • The robot is then setup unless you have to do some sort of forex robot activation.

Many people prefer not to trade on their computers and they use a forex vps which is a computer on another network that you connect to from anywhere.  They generally cost around $25.00 a month but we use them and they are certainly worth it.

If you need help finding the best forex robot as well then check out our top 3.

    About Patrick Ryan

    Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.

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