Everyone has their own journey, ours are often trade based, today I look at the FX Quest to 80K.
This is a new product that is based on one trader’s (Mark Lewis) ability to make eighty thousand in a mere month. Now, while this theory of the FX Quest to 80K is impressive, I hope there are some sort of results that backup these claims. This new Forex robot costs $19.95 and is being sold on the ClickBank payment processor.
Product tagline: How would you like to make 80,000 in just one month, well that’s exactly what I did in April and May.
FX Quest to 80K Video Review
Watch my latest video, this one on this new automated FX robot.
So as always the points I make in the video are often repeated because I find these two be two important facts when looking to purchase a Forex robot. First, that is the question, who is the creator? For this quest based product, that is Mark Lewis, who is a unknown in the Forex market. The closest thing I could find was a popular lawyer, and this isn’t the same guy. So all have to go by is the little picture on the page.
The second point I often make in my reviews is often the most important, the Forex trading results. For this software there are results but they are of the screen shot variety. While they are screen shots of myfxbook, it is odd that there is no actual link to this page so we can view it with our own eyes. This review will rank high so I am sure Mark will see it so I invite Mark to come leave a comment with some justification.
My final point was the price of the robot, being just $20 seems overly cheap and I find in life you get what you pay for.
FX Quest to 80K Conclusion
So how does this end? At this point, not favorably, I have 3 points and all 3 are concerns. I would like to hear from Mark and hear from the Forex Robot Nation users with their opinions on this FX robot before going any further.
As always, let me know what you think.
I have tried fxquestto80K for three weeks, a total of 116 trades on a demo account with Alpari. 28 were losers. After a careful analysis 22 of those when it was a “sell” the “take profit” was higher than the market price by 100 pips and when a “buy” the T/P pips were a100 pips lower than the market price indicating a serious program flaw. I used a $ 1000.00 demo acct.Those 22 amounted to $ 509.41, if subtracted would have resulted in a profit of
$ 273.54 or better than 25%, really not bad for three weeks, as compounding is the name of the game. I have sent two E-mails to Mr. Lewis, but no reply