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Forex Trend Pursuer

Forex trend pursuer is a new MT4 indicator by This developer has been releasing a multitude of products recently, this most recent software is being sold for $37. The goal of this software is to read and identify trend formation.

In this review I will be looking a the potential of this new Forex software and provide my opinions and outlook. Find the latest news on winning systems on our home page here.

forex trend pursuer

Forex Trend Pursuer Review

To start, let me go into the details of what the Forex trend pursuer provides. This strategy uses 4 indicators to show the current trend.

FTP_MBars, FTP_Bars, FTP_STape and FTP_ZMACD. These are used for profit targets, stop loss levels and other exits. The developers claim that the targets are “relatively tight, unlike may other Forex systems that you’ve seen.”

This is the information provided about the Forex trend pursuer strategy. Now I will delve into some of the trade examples being provided.

forex trend pursuer results

Here we can see that the system is able to provide trades on many different time frames and pairs. This provides some flexibility but can be detrimental if the software is not fully tested in all circumstances. This is something I will keep an eye on moving forward and you should to.

Forex Trend Pursuer Conclusion

At this point in time I am not going to give the Forex Trend Pursuer a shot. I have seen many of these systems recently and I think it is time I try one of them so I will likely test out some of their signals. I am not going to give them the official Forex Robot Nation seal of approval but I will certainly take a further look at some of these signals.

Please let me know your thoughts on the Forex trend pursuer, I appreciate all your contributions to our reviews here.

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.

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