Forex punch robot is the latest from Anna Monti, she is back and at it again.Today she released a new software that made $269 in 3 days of trading this week. I’m really not sure why she believes this is impressive or a worthwhile sample size.
I’ll delve into this deeper in my review and inform the Forex Robot Nation community about Anna and her latest offering.
Forex Punch Robot Review
First off, I have to complain about the mass development that is happening here with Anna and her latest Forex Punch Robot. The amount of systems she’s pumping out this year is starting to become overwhelming and worrisome. In my past experience with trading developers, the best ones release one system a year or less. That’s for a multitude of reasons. These developers are obsessed with perfecting one Forex strategy and that’s a good thing. Developers that put out a new system every week can’t exactly focus on the growth and continued success of their robot.
The Forex punch robot trades the EURGBP and GBPCHF on the M15 timeframe. The results for the software span a three day period from this past week so I really don’t suggest getting involved until we see at least a couple months of trading. There are a few back tests and screen shots as well but there really isn’t anything concrete that we can sink our teeth into. The software defines price levels using fractals and confirms trade entries with a trend filter.
Today I will not be giving Forex punch robot the Forex Robot Nation seal of approval. I think that this system has taken some early steps in the right direction but I hold quite a few reservations. I am upset with the constant flow of new products. This makes me feel like the old products are being thrown to the side and the results are just not there. If you have anything you want to contribute please let me know your thoughts. Leave a comment below the article and get the ball rolling now.