Forex megaliner robot is a new automated trading system by Anna Monti the founder of Anna Forex trading club. I’ve never heard of this Forex trading club or Anna but when I go to I see that there is some sort of a club but it looks like it’s just a mailing list.
Today I’ll be providing a review to all of Forex robot nation readers and coming up with a conclusion for this new Forex robot.
Forex Megaliner Robot Review
In doing a little research on Anna Monti I was able to find out that the image she uses on her websites is not actually her. This is a stock image for a female lawyer that is used by many websites. I personally have no problem with this because a lot of us don’t like to put our own pictures on the Internet but for transparency sake I thought I would mention that just so you know that isn’t actually Anna behind the Forex megaliner. If I had to guess there is probably a small team of male developers behind the software and the trading club.
The Forex megaliner robot uses a moving channels breakout strategy. The system works on the EURUSD or EURGBP pairs on the M30 timeframe. The software will monitor the markets using two yellow lines and when a price reaches one of these levels that is when you can expect a new trade to be placed. Here is an example screenshot that shows exactly that as the candles touch the yellow bars and trades are executed.
As for results the developers of the Forex megaliner or software provide us with a couple of screenshots and trading statements but nothing that is regulated by a third-party website like mt4live. I do like the layout of this website, the discussion of the strategy and the back tests they do provide show some potential. The only thing really missing here is having a website like to host their results on.
At this point in time I am not going to recommend the Forex megaliner but as I just mentioned before I do believe this software can have some potential. I believe our best course of action would be to wait and see how the software progresses on all the review sites and what the Forex community in general has to say about it before we dive it. If you have something you would like to contribute to my review of the Forex megaliner please leave your comments below. Spend some time on Forex robot nation and let me know what you think, email me anytime at the contact us page.