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EA Review: Professional Trading Portfolio

Today I’m looking at a new high priced Forex expert advisor that promises 80% profit on a monthly basis, Professional Trading Portfolio. The developers have combined two Forex strategies they’ve previously released, Professional Breakout Trading System and Professional Reversal Trading System to create this portfolio that focuses on increased profit and reduced risk.

The software is developed by, a company that develops automated trading strategies utilizing a 4 step procedure. There is no address for the company, but their servers are located in Germany, so it’s most likely that they are based in Europe. In order to get in touch with support, traders can use the contact form which is available at the top right-hand side of the website.

For more reviews see our Best Forex Robot page, here.


Professional Trading Portfolio EA Review

The creators of the software believe that in combining to separate strategies they are able to provide more consistency in varying market conditions, where a normal EA would have only one expertise. Both of these Professional Trading Portfolio EA strategies are built to be mutually consistent. One is focused on volatility breakout and the other on intraday reversal, with the developers believe work extremely well together.

The point of this, is that so “when one system does not work well, the other compensates with good performance and we achieve a smoother equity curve.” They tell us that this is the main reason why they been able to achieve and 80% month-to-month performance in both back testing and live trading.

I will analyze this number further when we get to the results section of the review.

Robot Details and Pricing Information

Type: Forex Robot
Price: $1960
Strategy: Volatility Breakout and Intraday Reversal
Timeframe: H1

The most significant aspect of this robot details section is obviously the price. The robot is going for nearly $2000, and while you can trial the system for 30 days to see if you like it or not, I still feel as if this price point is much too high for any trading software. I don’t believe that the developers are providing trading results the warrant or dictate a price that is well above the rest of the marketplace.

Profit Calculator Based On Annual Average Return

There’s another interesting section on the website, that allows traders to input capital numbers and then calculate what type of return they could be looking at after specific period of time. To me, this is a bit of a gimmick and not realistic because it is not matching up with current trading results, which are the most important.

Also, is this based on the 80% monthly profit they claim? As, the results section does not sure an 80% monthly return.

PTP EA Trading Results

They provide these statistics, but they are not line in with the accounts they are showing, so I’m not sure where these numbers are coming from in this image.

So why is it, that the developers of the Professional Trading Portfolio EA believe that they can charge almost $2000 for a copy of their software? Well, they have a couple of my FX book accounts that look okay at first glance, but nothing that knocks my socks off.

One of the my FX book accounts shows trading results from July 18, 2016 to November 9, 2016. In this period, the robot gained over 900% but it is no longer running and almost every single element on the page is hidden or locked. This makes me wonder if this account crashed, because it’s no longer available.

Their other account, which has to be viewed as the main account because it’s the only vendor account it’s been running in the past year is a demo with FxPro that’s gained 153% since February 2015. This account has been running for close to 2 1/2 years and shows a very stable gain of .10% daily, 3.16% monthly, with a drawdown of 12.27%.

In taking a close look at the monthly gain section, we can see that the robot may not be built for current market conditions. The majority of the robot’s gains came in 2015, and 2016, while in 2017 the EA showing a -6.87% loss through 6 months.

Our Final Thoughts

So, while there are many positives to draw from about the Professional Trading Portfolio EA, it just doesn’t seem to be performing as a $2000 robot should in 2017. If you were to purchase this software in 2015, you probably would be very happy with your return on investment. Yet, with the current market conditions the robot is showing a negative performance and thus the developers will likely have to make some adjustments.

Please let me know what you think about this robot and whether or not you believe we should sign up.

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.

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