When signing up with a Forex broker, traders can actually get cash back on every single trade they place, as long as they use a Forex rebate service. In this category, we provide reviews and comparisons of every single Forex rebate company in the market, so the community is aware of which programs are providing the highest rebates.
There is really no reason to stop traders from using Forex rebate programs. These programs are essentially all upside, and no downside as the majority of rebate providers will allow you to stick with your current brokerage. The only issue that may arise, is that a rebate provider may not be associated with your brokerage, but in this case, you would just use a different rebate provider that is.
The cash back programs aren’t large chunks of money, but if you are trading, and you are trading frequently than it doesn’t hurt to be getting a couple of cents back from every trade that you place.
Please go through all of my Forex rebate program reviews, and pick one that is already associated with your broker so you can start getting pips back today.