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Captain Forex

captain-forexCaptain Forex is a new trading software built the pillage and plunder the FX markets. The developers believe that their system is shockingly simple and consistently profitable.

Today I’ll be taking a closer look at my review and letting the Forex robot nation readers understand the pros and the cons of this trading software.

Captain Forex Review

The developer of the Captain Forex system is Sherman Choo the claims to be a Forex trader, developer and Internet marketer. He tells us that the past 3 years he’s been developing and testing an expert advisor he’s now prepared to sell for limited time. For proof, Sherman shows us a trading chart with 5 separate trades each winning over 100 pips for a total gain of 1135 pips. Considering this is a simple screenshot it is not a true depiction of the strategy because the sample size is too small. Any EA developer is able to zoom in on their best week, but that doesn’t mean the system will be able to trade successfully on a regular basis.

Sherman tells us that he has back tested his Captain Forex trading system for over 5 years. Yet, the screenshot available on the website shows a period of 3 weeks. Again, I’m starting to feel like the developer is hiding something here because these results are not impressive at all. 3 weeks during the most volatile period of the year, Christmas, does not instill me with confidence at all. As I scroll down I’m disappointed to find there’s no my FX book accounts or any statement sharing services at all. I’m going to send Sherman an email to see if he has any live accounts using this software that I can get a close look at. Hopefully he responds and gives this system some more legitimacy.

I cannot recommend Captain Forex to anyone at this point in time. The developers have the nerve to charge $300 for a software that has no track record or real verifiable proof. In the Forex industry this is unacceptable these days. If you something you would like to add to the review please leave your comments and questions below the article now. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you spend more time on Forex robot nation getting to know me, my readers and what we have to offer here.

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.

One comment

  1. I agree with you about the program having no live verified test results “is crazy” in this day of Forex trading, especially if he is truthful in his claims! From reading the “Capitan” material I think this is a manual system using his “non-painting” indicators. Choo claims the drop down trade alerts make you “never to miss a trade”! This makes me think it is manual or semi-auto, not fully automatic EA.

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