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Binary Turbo

Today I’m looking at Binary Turbo a new binary options software by Jeff Anderson.

Jeff claims that he is a renegade binary trader and his plan is to blow the whistle on massive binary options scams and lies while revealing how to earn in this market. This product costs $47 and it is being sold on the click better payment processor.

Binary Turbo Details

The Binary Turbo software is a meta-trader plug-in. They don’t show on the website exactly how the software works but I assume that this is a indicator that provides binary options signals. There is no real discussion of the strategy. The only real discussion of the product talks about having a low draw down of under 3%, the ability to trade all major currency pairs and no setting change requirements.

See what binary options systems are top rated winners in the Binary Options Lab

Binary Turbo Results

Let’s take a look at some of the trading statements and binary options broker screenshots provided by Jeff Anderson.

There is an example trade and a binary options account. I generally don’t mind the trade examples but the binary options accounts never really mean anything to me because they are just shady.

binary turbo trade example
This trade example shows a call trade.


binary account
Here is an account owned by Jeff Anderson with over $2 million, I don’t buy it.

Binary Turbo Conclusion

At this point in time I do not recommend Binary Turbo. With a 60 day moneyback guarantee this is an easy software to test but there is nothing professional about this page which leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

If you have something you would like to add please leave your comments about Binary Turbo below.

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.


  1. I tried Binary Turbo and it had a 80% loss rate. Absolute junk. I am USA resident and do have an account with TradeRush. They are under the EU laws from what they say and say ok as USA to trade. Anybody know of a automated program like binary turbo that actually works?

  2. Bought BinaryTurbo. First thing they want you to do is sign up with TradeRush. Unforunately, since I am in US, can’t us Traderush. Also seems unless you sign up with Traderush. You can’t get the software you paid for. I sent email to support and am awaiting response.

  3. anybody know how work the software binary turbo ? i have bought the software and i dont know who working ? can you help me please?

  4. can someone help me I bought this software how it works; buy it and do not know how I can see the option that gives

  5. disqus_RspvkK2ojN

    Hi Just….
    I always read the fine print VERY carefully, the whole document.
    I live in Canada.
    It was a glitch on their end. Also see my other post this date.

  6. disqus_RspvkK2ojN

    Hi All,
    Here is my final post concerning Binary Turbo. After sorting out a bug that caused no trades on my account for the first two weeks, my account started trading. Be careful what you wish for. Over the past week the trades went 3 wins and 9 losses…75% loss rate….and ate 1/3 of my account balance. And then just took another losing trade. A bad day? Sure, it happens. A couple of bad days? Well, okay I guess. Over a week of just terrible trades? No, no, no. The losses were not even close. If this is to be considered “trading”, then you might as well save the cost of this product and just guess…’d probably have better success. And they still have the balls to claim, in an email to me, that they have a 70% success rate. No, they don’t. Refund requested.

  7. I’ve been using BT for several weeks. 10 trades, 6 wins. Meh…

  8. disqus_RspvkK2ojN

    As promised, here is my experience with Binary Turbo.
    I signed up on the 19th of June and funded and linked my account on the 21st (their trading page says my account is “Verified”). After 4 1/2 trading days, it hasn’t taken any trades at all, none, zero. Turbo’s support is slow and is not providing much help (ie they said the Autotrading page must say that my account is Verified….but it does, since day 1, but no trades at all). I’m awaiting further support so will wait to see what comes of this before I decide to ask for a refund or not; who knows, maybe it’s just a glitch and all will be well shortly. I will post more as things develop.

    • I signed on 26th and so far 2 trades and 2 wins. When did your account get verified?

        • Gotta read the fine print, folks. especially if you’re US citizens. TradeRush Terms and Conditions doc clearly states “USA citizens are restricted on this trading platform from trading currencies and commodities due to U.S. regulation by CFTC.” From what I can see as a member, TradeRush is the ONLY broker on which this software operates. Patrik, if you’re in The States and those few “trades” (bets, actually, in Options terms) are the only ones placed by the software, that may be your problem.

  9. Bought the Turbo on June 17th and opened a broker account via a link Turbo provided. Gave Turbo complete control to autotrade. By today, Turbo had racked up 17 trades and won 5 times, for a win rate of 29%. Based on this, I cannot recommend them. I’ve requested a full refund.

  10. disqus_RspvkK2ojN

    I just signed up with these guys and am hoping for the best. It is an autotrader service where you open an account with their recommended broker, TradeRush, and link that account to the Binary Turbo servers and it trades for you, you do NOTHING else. “Recommended brokers” always make me nervous but TradeRush is more or less respected, so I’m having a bit of faith, somewhat against my better judgement.
    I will be happy to post my progress if anyone is interested.

    PS…Forex Steam is still AWESOME 🙂

    • I’m definitely interested in knowing your progress. I signed up with them on Saturday and haven’t even been able to log into the members area. I finally got a response from support over 12 hours ago and all they did was ask me for a screen shot of my receipt which I already sent to the on the day I signed up. Haven’t heard from them since. Their welcome email states that binary turbo will work with any broker but works best with their recommended broker. But I get autoresponder emails all day from them telling me to activate my autotrader with traderush. Very confusing and so far seems misleading. I may be requesting a refund soon if I don’t at least get access to what I paid for. Please let us know how things go for you.

  11. Hello, guys, anyone has experienced the Bin.Turbo yet?

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