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Binary Defender

Binary Defender is the best binary options tool I’ve ever used. In the 6 years of running Forex Robot Nation I have to say that this is the most impressive and consistent strategy I’ve seen.

Now the #1 binary options software in the Binary Lab, the defender is a system that needs to be used on a daily basis.

Today I will be letting the Forex Robot Nation community understand what is so good about this software and what type of earnings they can expect.

  • Over 80% ITM
  • Proven Historical and Live Trading Results
  • Over 15 Signals Per Day
  • 15 Minute Expiry Time Strategy
  • No Settings Changes Required

I have full belief in the defender software. It’s ability to read the markets and provide consistent opportunities is exactly what I look for in my daily trading routine. I have spent three months testing this system every way I know how and I can’t find a flaw. It truly meets and exceeds all of my exceptions.

Due to the role I played in their beta test they are letting me give you a 20% Launch Coupon to take advantage of.


Binary Defender Review

Binary Defender is a signal software that provides traders with 15 minute trades, all throughout the day. There is no additional filters or settings changes required, it works as advertised out of the box.

binary box 3The time I spent testing this system over the past three months gave me great insight into it’s capabilities. I’ve been able to consistently win 4 out of every 5 trades since the first day I started testing it.

One of the elements I stressed to their development team during the testing process was for them to make it easier to use. Other binary systems I’ve used always had me calculating time zones and setting GMT up. Honestly, I had trouble understanding if I had done it right half the time, so I made sure that the defender has none of this.

You really just install it and start getting signals.

Binary Defender Results

One of my main complaints with binary options developers in the past has been their lack of testing and analysis.

Binary Defender has provided more results than I’ve ever seen before with Live Account Results and Years of Testing Data.


Here’s one of four two year historical tests that shows the software’s ability to win trades consistently. They use MT4 price data to go analyze from 2013-2015.

The most impressive part about this is that it matches up 100% with their live test results. Unlike other binary developers the defender provides, open time, price and expiry time so we can actually verify their results, and I have.

Live Trading Results

Here is a screen shot of their live trading results, if you go on their website you will be able to sort through 6 months of live trading results. All of which I have verified to make sure there is no trickery.


The results really tell the whole story here, which is a very good thing. Makes my job reviewing the product easy.

My Results:

  • July 33-3
  • August 44-6
  • September 55-8
  • October 34-4
  • November 31-5

I’ll update my results here monthly so you can keep track.

Binary Defender Verdict

binary-defender-real-logoBinary Defender is a guaranteed winner. It’s not one of these highly promoted scam systems we see every day. It’s an intelligently put together strategy built to provide profitable trades for the short and long term.

The system comes with:

  • Full access to the software and updates for life.
  • Over 80% ITM trading signals for GBPUSD, EURUSD, AUDUSD and XAUUSD (GOLD).
  • Over 15 signals per day with 15 minute expiry times.
  • 24/7 support, training videos and remote assistance.
  • One time payment, no extra charges.

I expect all of the Forex Robot Nation readers to take advantage of this truly dynamic trading strategy.


Download Binary Defender Now

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.


  1. Hi admin this quality is for you I appreciate what u are doing
    But what about stoke signals providers u didn’t say anything about them

  2. Does the 20% discount still apply

  3. Hi,
    Is this software applicable for my exisitng BO account which is ANYOPTION? I’m living here in Spain and I stopped at the moment trading binary since I lost a lot. Any user of this product, can you recommend it to me, most especially here in Spain? Thank you.

  4. Is anyone still using this? Notice no updates since November.

    • Absolutely, no comments can be a good thing.

    • Yes, I am using it since yesterday. My first impression after 12 hours: 10 Signals, 7 wins. I traded as specified with 15 minutes end time – but this seems to long. if I had traded shorter (Expires: 5 minutes) I had two wins more. So, I will trade the next signals with a shorter time range. If you like, I can tell you more about the software in the next days.

  5. Hello, i have a quick question for anyone. I was just wondering when the signals come in and the timing on the entry? I see it says they are all 15 min expiries so do the signals come in ahead of time like say 1:58 for a 2:15 expiry to give yourself enough time to enter the trade? Also, is it recommended to enter the trade right away or wait some period of time? Thx.

    • The signal will come at the beginning of the candle, so it will come and then you place the trade.

      • Ok, that sounds a little easier than binary ascend because they come at odd times and it’s a little confusing as to which expiry to take and exactly when to enter. So would you recommend defender over ascend? Thx.

        • Hi Tracy, I recommend them both equally, defender for people who want more signals. I feel ascend is very straight forward and simple too. The signal comes, you place the trade.

      • Ok, so if i don’t get the signal until say 2:05, i assume i enter the trade asap and take the 2:15 expiry option or would i enter asap and take the 2:30 expiry or would i wait until 2:15 to enter and take the 2:30 expiry. See what i mean, it isn’t that clear. I would just want to be consistent which is why i ask. Thx again.

  6. Defender is performing very well throughout the holidays.

    I don’t trade much during the holidays but I think I’ll invest a couple thousand today and see how I make out.

    Made over 4K last week so I’ve got some bucks to spare.

  7. Binary defender performing well these days although fewer trades but profitable ones.

    Sir Patrick I would like to know can’t this Binary Defender be automated.

    I mean it would be great help for traders like me who work full day.

    Thank you

  8. Hi
    Have opened my Binary acc with signals from B Defender.
    Is this normal to only have two trades for the day so far? 1x AUDUSD, 1X XAUUSD.

  9. 1.Can I open an account with any BO broker and just receive the signal to trade or do I have to open an acc with a specific broker?
    2. How do I receive the signals/trade recommendations?

  10. I have FF on demo and want to acquire BD. I have a live account with Plus Options. Will BD work with this platform…i think PlusOptions are on MT4

  11. Binary Defender is very good software.

    I use this every day and I make around $2-300 in about 4 hours.

    This may not seem like a lot to some but to me it’s more than enough to live off and once I increase the size of my trades I can make even more.

    The signals are reliable and trustworthy.

    Plus over 99% of the reviews I’ve read are positive which is hard to find online.

    • Francois,

      I think you’re doing great:-))
      May I ask what is the amount you started off with to make the $2-300 in the 4 or so hours as that would also make a difference. Also, when’s the best time to trade?

  12. Does this give more reliable signals on think forex mt4 than every other mt4s as think forex is recommended on their site for download?

  13. Hi Everyone

    I am new here and wondered how people are getting on with Binary Defender ? Just doing my own research before i go ahead but i need real proof from actual members. Hope to hear what you have to say from genuine users. Thanks

    • Binary Defender is an easy decision Martin.

      It’s a smart technology that has made me over $5000 in limited use.

      I will be using this system for years to come and I’ve had discussions with the development team and they’ve assured me that they will be supporting this system for a long time.

      It’s my top recommendation.

      • Hi Cameron… Thanks for the reply can you tell me when you started using the system and how profitable its been ? I live in the UK so will be trading between 9:00am – 17:00 GMT. Please provide as much feedback as possible so i can justify the purchase. Many Thanks

  14. Hi Admin,

    I already have FF on a demo account. I’m planning to get the BD via your site. I hope your discount is still applicable. I’m very new to all of this. Questions:
    1. Can a newbie be able to work with BD and succeed?
    2. Is it possible to have another MT4 platform for BD – i.e. different from FF to minimize confusion. I’d find it very difficult with both FF and BD on the same platform being so new to this.
    3. Is $250 OK to begin with.
    4. Does BD tell you exactly what pairs to trade.
    5. Does BD also tell you exactly what the timeframe for each trade should be?

    Thank you:)

  15. Hello, is Thinkforex platform brings far better chances of ITM results ?

  16. Any results for October?

  17. I Tried the link but there is no option for the coupon code but the original price. any help with the coupon code.

  18. The Defender system is very impressive.

    I’ve been trading for years and I am extremely happy with the strategic analysis.

    I have won over 82% of my trades the last month using this tool and that’s fine by me!

  19. please, i have been trying to submit payment via paypal and using the 20% code but when i tried to submit, I always get a message that it cannot be processed. what can i do next.

  20. Can you use any broker, or does it need to be a specific one.

  21. Hi!

    I’m a newby with a very small amount of experience in spread betting, and love the sound and your confidence in Binary Defender. Is it ok for beginners, or which alternative would you recommend? Thank you !

  22. You;re saying over 15 signals a day. That’s an equivalent of 300 trades a month. With a 80 % win ratio. That’s in half a year with 5 % risk management over 1,5 million in profit. I have done the math on an excell file with 10 trades a day. Aim I’m dreaming or is still for real? I start next month and will be posting my results every month.

  23. Signal quality is incredible today. 10-0 this week, thanks for another strong recommendation.

  24. I have a live account with 24Options and my balance is 150 euro. Can I start with BD with this kind of balance? Can’t afford more at this time.

  25. Please, what session is the best to trade with this software to have good performance. Thanks.

  26. Hi admin

    How do we know at what price of point BD buy at ? So it the red arrow pointing ?


  27. Are the verified results that are posted by BD from using Boss Capitol or from another preferred broker such as CToption?

  28. Hi admin

    Any latest update for the Live Trading Results Breakdown? I do not see new update on the website.


  29. haii admin, are you using the defender trade assistant or just simply take all the signal? thank you

  30. How do you manage your time in order not to be at your computer all the time? sms alert or?

  31. Hello Admin
    I wanted to know if its still needed to clear the cache after 3 – 4 winning trades, most off shore brokers track your IP when you log in and see to many winning trades and change the platform price. I’ve seen this in the past with off shore binary brokers.

  32. Hi Admin, please advise on regulated brokers, as of now, ive traded with a scam broker and i can’t withdraw been using BBW, can you give me tips on how to get my money back if possible.

  33. Hi
    I have three questions….
    1- your result perfect. i want to know your trading time (from –> to) by GMT.
    2- about the system is it with the trend or overbought oversold or what……
    3- if you can compare a little bit this one by the Binary Ascend and with
    the Binary Brain Wave…. because i have the both ….
    Thanks advance

  34. Bought the software yesterday 4-1 so far, Real mc coy indeed!

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