Big Boy Forex Robot is a new expert advisor developed by theForexProgrammer (theforexprogrammer.com). This programmer claims to have studied the market for countless hours trying to find loop holes, and with this knowledge, he’s “developed a beast.” He tells the community, that this robot is specifically for the big boys, so we assume that means if you are a small boy, you need not apply. Okay, that was a joke, but some of the marketing here is clearly comical at best, so it was hard to resist.
The vendor does not introduce himself outside of The Forex Progammer moniker. There is also no information about trading history, or the location of the company. For more information, or support traders can email support@theforexprogrammer.com.

Hopefully, at some point the vendor provides more details about who they are, and why we should trust them with our funds. This is increasingly important information, when it comes to new websites and products from vendors that don’t already have a reputation built.
Big Boy Forex Robot Review
The first impression is that the Big Boy Forex Robot website is not overly professional. The Forex Programmer should certainly spend some extra time working out the kinks when it comes to product presentation. This, in conjunction with the “over 100% roi each month” guarantee at the top of the page certainly makes us skeptical. A promise like this better be backed up by verified trading results, which we will get into, later in the review.

Strategy Insight
Much in line with the rest of the website, there is very little information provided about the Big Boy Forex Robot trading strategy. The Forex Programmer tells us that he won’t tell the community anything in depth about the strategy because he doesn’t want to confuse them. This is a very odd approach.

All he says is that the system uses normal TP/SL and doesn’t rely on broker spread to win trades.
The Forex Programmer should be providing much more information here. This is one of the weirder sales presentations we’ve come across in recent times. We need much more information and transparency from developers that want to be considered in the best Forex robot category.
Robot Analysis
- Type: Forex Robot
- Price: $2500
- Strategy: Undisclosed
- Timeframe: M15

As it stands, the Big Boy Forex EA is currently being offered at $2500 for a lifetime license. The other options include a 1 day free trial, or the ability to pay $250 per month. Both the main options are very expensive, and not really what we were expecting from this website.
We find it hard to believe that they are acquiring many clients at this price point. Most robots are well under $2500, as you can see in our recent reviews of FXEurGrid and Forex Pip Shooter.
Performance Results
With the exorbitant price tag, we were expecting to see some incredible results, but that’s simply not the case. The Forex Programmer only provides us with short videos of the Big Boy Forex Robot in action. In these videos there are backtests, forward tests, and what looks to be a live trading account.

The issue is that none of these accounts or tests can be verified. They are all in video form, so they can easily be manipulated by the vendor to show us whatever he wants to show us.
The vendor needs to provide verified Myfxbook accounts. It’s really quite asanine that he’s trying to charge $2500 for something that he hasn’t proven works. There needs to be a much higher level of transparency here.
It’s simply too difficult to trust the vendor under the current conditions. There is too much mystery and potential deception for us or anyone else to be confident in spending an upwards of $250 per month for this service.
If you have anything you would like to add to the review, please leave your questions and remarks below the article now.
Big Boy Forex Robot $2500
- Pricing
- Strategy
- Trading Results
- Client Feedback
- Customer Support
Big Boy Forex Robot is an expert advisor that costs $2500 for a lifetime license.
2.4( reviews)
Multiple videos
No verified results
No strategy insight
Incredibly expensive
Am interested in the free trial, i think the developer is the best of the best, focuses on two forex pairs to bring the best results. Kudos!!