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Auto FX Millionaire – Forex Robot

Auto FX MillionaireSo today we haveΒ Auto FX Millionaire a new system hitting the shelves, what is it, is it for you? I will have it all in the review so make sure you check in from time to time to get all the latest updates on this page, on this Forex software.

Tagline: We made a million, Now we’re doing it again.

Seems basic enough, but as they like to think Auto FX Millionaire isn’t that basic at all. To start, there are a bunch of different systems that you can buy with this software. Lets go over all of them right away so you know what to expect from this Forex software, especially how much $ its going to cost you!

Auto FX Millionaire Costs

  • Main Product Auto FX Millionaire : $37.00 p/mo
  • Β Platinum Advanced Software : $97.00 per month
  • Inner Circle Coaching : $497.00
  • Auto FX Millionaire Manual System : $77.00
As I always say with Forex systems like these, you don’t need to buy everything and you probably don’t even have the time to learn everything so don’t bother. Just buy what you need, what you really like, and then master that and try to squeeze some profits out of it. So I guess that means we should move on and take a look and see what type of results this Forex software is pulling.

Auto FX Millionaire Results

Doesn’t look like we have any results on this Forex software just yet. Hopefully in the next few days more information drips to us as it usually always does. This is a system that I believe will provide us with some sort of results, I will add them here when they are available.

Auto FX Millionaire Conclusion

Without results there is really no reason for us to come up with a conclusion yet. If you have any comments or concerns, anything you want to add to the review do so below!

Try Auto FX Millionaire

About Patrick Ryan

Patrick is a Forex enthusiast, with over 10 years of experience in finance, and market analysis. He's eager to help traders achieve their goals, whether they are short or long-term. Patrick's penned thousands of reviews, and is always available to discuss trading with anyone who's interested.


  1. Have any of you tried the freebies some come with the forex pips finder deversity system?
    Out of the few I use the support resistence indicator and the trend channel indicator on the hour chart. Using them for long trades(only about 2-4 siganls a day, sometimes less) and my other ea’s for the 5 min charts. The long trades seem to be making me more money than my ea’s at the moment.

  2. Thanks Aslam.
    I was minutes away from buying that ea too, wanted to just double check wich pairs it supported before purchasing when I found that post. I have been scammed a few times myself, even when I new things looked funny I still ended up giving them my money. Just hoping that it is the real deal.

  3. Great work Jack,
    I really got to hand it to you. You are spot on and quite a few of us yours truly included, was also taken for a ride. But the funny thing as Jen says is who cares if the signals for Fx Auto Millionare are provided by two guys at Zulu. at much less cost as long as they are vmaking money. I guess everyone needs a big break in life.
    Keep Piping.

  4. Hi Jen, glad to be of service.

  5. Very correct Jack… Looks like this chap is attached to some very successful marketeers…which dont get me wrong if a product works – who cares… But email alerts this morning show the system is indeed unstable, I have canceled my subscription with pimlus. Nice work Jack – thank you.

  6. Thought I have seen this dude before. Same guy that did autocashandroid.
    Same guy, laptop and moeny on table just different story and product.
    Will be really carefull of this guy.

  7. Hi guys – I have had an update from a lovely chap advising
    I just checked this site and you’ll notice there is a warning “trading algorythim is unstable”,
    ..It is behaving unstable and as yet we havent had an update on why the problem last week occured so I would either turn it off and be safe – or watch with an extremely sharp eye!! – Jack – thank you for your update… I will view – I see our dream for AFM crumbling fast. I am not a happy bunny πŸ™

  8. OK was thinking of getting this but it was found that they are actually using signals from zulu trade. Here is the link, please go check it out.


  9. Aslam i could pass it on if you wish?
    Frog yes – it means lost funds will be recovered in new – hopefully positive trades. Nothing more! Remember the disclaimer all the EA’s/sellers have – we are not responsible for your losses blah blah blah and more blah – we are not responsible for your cat or your dog or your budgie… blah blah blah some more. Risks are part and parcel of trading. On a positive side – AFM has produced some good trades last couple of days – so hopefully its on the recovery road. Fingers crossed.

  10. Hi Aslam,
    Could I have your email address please?

  11. Hi frog – think they mean they hope to recover funds through winning trades. That remains to be seen, I’m not using the EA until their server issues have been sorted out.

  12. hi andrew
    lost fund will be recover means what? pay back to us? !
    the trade been close because of lack of balance already haiz

  13. ok guys – i have a reply from AFM….
    Hi, don’t close the trades anymore, we will start to recover. It is possible sometimes to have duplicate orders. You can’t limit the number of orders.

    No actual update on what the problem was/is but from the email alerts (my AFM is turned off) it has a couple of wins so it may be back on road to recover? = so a personal choice here – go for broke and give it another chance or leave on testing and watch it further. The seller has always in my estimation done his best to answer emails on time and be helpful.. Some technical problems are out of anyones control… I guess its how speedy they address the problem and help people recover when hopefully a rare problem occurs. Remembering that this chap did give people hope with the orders and profits coming in – I might just give him another chance and watch for a while πŸ™‚

  14. Hi guys πŸ™‚ tee heee… That would be a nice thought reinbursing customers – although not sure how that would work… Umm..nice thought tho. There must have been a technical problem..I cant see how anyone in their right mind or wrong mind would open like 4 orders of same currency and another 2 of another currency the day before non farm payroll…Even if it was a temporary move in the market – the spike in drawdown could be vicious for a small account. Andrew – thanks – Nova wots it – I received many emails about it but put it on back burner thinking maybe it required too much work at the moment πŸ™‚ (gosh – did i say that!! – tee hee – yeah i think i did!! :-)) Thanks – i’ll have a look. Tell you wot – thanks for the compliment Andrew – i WISH i were shrewd..if i was i would have acted on my instincts Thursday nite and closed the orders off and turned off the EA until next week after non farm payroll but I decieded against it. duhhhhhhhh…
    Aslam – not sure what the systems called i;ll have to go search… I dont think it says it on the ea when its installed but that sounds familiary – Mostafa Belkhayate – i think it was that one… dead simple… dont need a manual mate… when the candle hits the top line and it changes colour on the bottom lines you enter a trade and take profit when it hits the middle line.. Profits can continue after the middle point but that goes into risky area so unless you change your stop loss to that point then I would jump out at the middle point. Thats the girlie version of it ha ha ha… Ok – i will go hunt my records for the manual for you… most people go – you wot – when I explain things in girlie terms tee hee heee… Aslam – you mentioned fx auto pilot – you dont mean the original autopilot do you from
    the guys who helped forex turbo get off the ground? If so – very old – the original EA system..I started with that one if its the one you mean..and was really aggressive in my trading as a beginner πŸ™‚ – i made about Β£3000 in under 2 weeks and I was really aggressive (reckless!!!) in my trading..I didnt know the market – money management – gosh – who cared about that – I was on my way to hit every womens clothes shop i could think of πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ – then the markets took a dive…I was at home at the time and watched 2 SELL orders literally sky diving to heaven (buy!) …In minutes my account had lost a couple thousand pounds… and i closed them at their loss as it continued on its speedy merry way to heaven… It did retrace and if i had had the bottle to stay in – it would have retaced the following week but i lost my nerve and jumped out… Thats when i learnt my valuable lesson in money management and the double ended sword cutting both ways πŸ™‚ The thing about that system is it hasnt or if it has – it has an extremely large stop loss so your account can go into an extreme drawdown..I revisited my beloved EA some months ago – and it was doing really well then opened an order and went into alarge draw down and i thought – ummm..doesnt change… and put it on the back burner again. Thats where forex turbo came in – safer/less drawdown? If you have some money spare and want an ea where it can make you money but goes into drawdown and can hold onto orders for 2 weeks plus at times then go for robominer… it trades the Auz and hasnt a stop loss so eventually retraces – Its consistent although annoying in that it can hold onto trades for a while but its a money earner left alone. Its really not one to look at daily – it will drive you barmy and you need to stick to strict money management rules/lots sizes. A definite longer term one -consistently good πŸ™‚ (but boring if youre after fast wins). Hey – have I talked forever -tee hee – yes i think i have – so i think i’ll go raid the kitchen – i’m sure i have some chocolate some where in there…Later guys – Jen πŸ™‚

  15. Jen’s a shrewd cookie Aslam, and as with most things in life women are usually right aren’t they!!?
    Just one other thing for everyone, a guy on Forex Machines has had some contact with AFM (lucky him!) and they’ve told him they are sorting out the various issues and that lost funds will be recovered. Hope that’s true!

  16. Hey Guys,(I am taking the liberty of calling Jen one of us, from the way she has bloomed and participating. Shes a sport and has attitude!!! Ha! ha!)
    Jen, If you are talking of Mostafa Belkhayate system, I have it, but have misplaced the manual. Do you have the manual? Anyway, let me know what works manually according to you. Note taken of the math of Turbo Pips, you seem to have worked out the ratios, so I guess its refund time.
    Andrew, I have also read about and found novacode interesting. Lets all give it a try and see???? The problem is we only have two hands, two feet, two eyes and limited time. How many things can you really do well? But if its any help, I have read about a guy who trades, composes music, holds concerts and plays bass guitar with a jazz band. He also runs 10 10 platforms everday. Sounds similar to someone we know Andrew???
    Does anyone have any experience with Fx Auto Pilot, I have read some good things about it?? So the search for the Holy Grail continues,everybody on board. Cheers!

  17. Hi Frog – yes we are hoping that.Swicth off and dont think about it anymore – there’s nothing that can be done for now. we’ll look towards a recovery plan later πŸ™‚

  18. the afm system really make ppl mad, burn up my half account because of the eurusd and eurjpy. nevertheless, hope the master trader is doing the right job and he knew that the trend will change in monday, or else, my whole acc will really burn up again

  19. i just typed a reply and pressed something i shouldnt and lost it all – duhhh – so heres the shortened version as I’m now bored – Andrew – thank you – yes i;m fine – hope you are also πŸ™‚ tee heee… I was out yesterday – I have a hobby that keeps me busy πŸ™‚
    yes – I was well surprised at Thursday/Friday entries – i am sure its their system having a technical problem…shame it happened on a non farm payroll day as well. I cancelled 2 orders before i went to work and it opened 2 more later??? – it closed a couple GBP orders i think, I have a note out to the guys asking what was wrong – have they gone mad or do they have technical problems – waiting for a reply so will update you. I’m not impressed either. They should have built something into the system allowing you to manually limit the amount of orders the trader takes out… how do they know a persons account balance? Turbo – Aslam… the ratio of the loss to the wins does not work out in long run… I wont deal in pips as i havent worked out how to count pips with 5 digit brokers… (do i count the 5th digit – duhhh) so will talk in money terms… on a Β£1 a pip you get Β£5 for every order…then get a loss equating to Β£100… then another loss of Β£100… thats per loss 1:20 – 1 x loss = 20 wins… That cant be sustained. I got a refund. Steam – yes the loss looks high but it makes it up fast unless its one of those times when it goes to hell and you can tell that time as you get multiple losses following each other. I use a 30 pip s/l… i’ve noticed if it goes to 30 pips it rarely retraces. The system has a 90 pip s/l – too large – as i say – it could have changed but when i was originally testing i noticed if it hit 30 pips it was in trouble. The system you mentioned aslam for trading manually… not sure of that one but i have another one which works but i keep missing the damn entries…I;ll have to look up its name.. it doesnt give alerts and hits a certain point where you go in and i dont know why but i;m always making a cuppa or doing something nonsense when it hits the entry point and then its too late to jump in as the trades in progress – nearly ended… (quite quick) I’ll look it up for you.. you’ll probably have more patience than i have – think its called mbfx… oh hum… i best get a move on – hobby day today and I need to get out of the house πŸ™‚ Keep well – Andrew – thanks πŸ™‚ ..catch yers soon. nice weekend all. Jen

  20. Hi Aslam,
    The 4 EURJPY trades have gone into big drawdown, can’t understand why they were not closed on the master account earlier – a lot of unhappy people on various websites. I closed 3 of them this morning on my account and am wondering whether to continue with AFM, given the server problems. FX Steam has always been an enigma for me, two or three winners then a full SL hit and profits lost.
    Hi to Jen if she’s around, are you okay babe?
    See ya later, have a good weekend all

  21. Pss: I have Steam light but I use two three Eas together and when one is not trading the other is and have had the same experience as Jen. I shall try them alone one at a time and shall also go for Fapturbo 54 and Ichimoku as suggested by Andrew. Thanks for your advice guys. See Ya around.

  22. Hi everyone,
    I started of with a bang and my $5000/- demo account doubled to $10,000/-with Turbo Pips. I just used it on default time settings 18-19 hours and the second one on 1 to 23 hours setting. It went into drawdown and I was down to $4,900 odd, but has now levelled off to apoint where I am currently $1270 in profit.
    Jen and Andrew you are absolutely right when you say that manual trading is a good backup plan. But I am having problems with the DDFx manual system as all the 3/4 indicators do not line up on all the timeframes as required, resulting in loss.
    Do you have any tips for me in this regard or do you have any manual system worth its salt, which works? Regards and keep piping.

  23. Hi guys and girlies,
    Aslam thanks for your support – I’m not sure about the ‘expert’ tag, more a case of keeping a watchful eye on things! Nice to see you’ve taken the plunge with AFM, you’ll find that their server occasionally goes down and you have to restart your MT4. The four trades Jen mentioned are EURJPY and in drawdown at the moment. FAP Turbo 54 looks very solid with 7 trades tonight, all winners.
    See you guys!

  24. Karim – just hit me – I meant 0.01 lots (not 0.001!) duhhhhh

  25. Ooh Aslam – just seen your note – ha ha … Yes – i want a backup for when the robots fail me ie: manual trading… and also as a sideline along with the robots. Hey guys.. does anyone use Forex Steam..Thats a good one… left on auto for the EA to trade its own lot sizes on your balance. I therefore wouldnt use it on an account with another EA as it might over leverage you ..Anyway..Its picked up again. It goes through phases where its really damn good then it will go to hell and i turn it off and watch it on demo for it to pick up again. It has a rough ratio fo doing about 4-5 trades and then taking a loss but it recoupes the losses well. (i put in a 30 pip s/l) If you go for it…keep an eye for periods of consistent losses and turn it off for a while and watch it on demo. This one made me a lot of money prior to last Christmas πŸ™‚ ..I spent it tho ha ha ha : As i say – its picking up nicely again πŸ™‚ Jen

  26. Hi Karim – Are you sure you aren’t being too aggressive in your trading ie using lot sizes higher than you should on your account balance? … your losses should be minimal…. for a balance of – you mention $50 – you shouldn’t really be doing anymore than 0.001 lots… It is so tempting to go for gold but it is also the fastest way to loose your account. A lucky streak rarely lasts for long. If you’re not – try and stick with the correct lots for your account balance. It is boring – it is frustratingly slow – you want to make money – but remember the statistics for successful forex traders are in the region of about 5% .. so wot – 95 people out of every 100 people FAIL… most through poor money management!!! – I hope thats the reason (which will be easily corrected!) for your substantial losses and not the EA!!!! πŸ™‚ The EA I noticed took out 4 trades of the same currency this afternoon!! so I am watching it keenly to see if it knows what its doing πŸ™‚ Wishing you luck. Jen πŸ™‚

  27. I have been using this system since 2weeks now and it started to grow at first from about $50 to about $70 or so and then with yesterday’s trades lost the profit and also into more loss as the account went down to $28. I think that’s not a very good way for any robot to work. Is there anything different you guys are doing to get more winning trades ? maybe A/C Balance or Settings ? I would like to know. Email me at

  28. @nelson: why don’t you share the stats? like myfxbook or mt4i?

  29. Hi Guys and Gals,
    The results are fantastic, but I have not received my copy and access as yet. Anyway Jen as Andrew who I consider is the Ea expert has crowned you the manual expert, do give your feedback as you are doing. So my gut feeling about you being actively involved and interested in trading was right??? Cheers and more Pips to all,

  30. 46 win trades,..4 lost trades,…507 pips profit,…

    im very happyyyyyyyyyyyyy,…lets see next weeks,..this week, its one more software to came out,..witch im testing since january,…38% month profit,..DD..8.98%
    if anyone is interested,..feel free to contact me,..

  31. πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ !!!…

  32. yes – quite impressive so far… i wasnt too impressed with the trades it took out today – got to say… but if i had thought about it i probably would have turned it off today being a holiday in the uk. Still – early days – i’ve seen EA’s perform really well for a couple or so weeks and then go unstable so i watch still with caution. πŸ™‚

  33. yes – quite impressive so far… i wasnt too impressed with the trades it took out today – got to say… but if i had thought about it i probably would have turned it off today being a holiday in the uk. Still – early days – i’ve seen EA’s perform really well for a couple or so weeks and then go unstable so i watch still with caution. πŸ™‚

  34. im very happy with the software,…(untill now)
    336 pips profit,..41 trades, only 3 lost trades,..

  35. my copier is now working and had lots of orders yesterday – only one negative minus order… They system can open many orders at once at times (unless you input into the settings not to trade certain currencies) so you need to be watchful of your leverage and allow for that. So far – it does work.

  36. Interesting this one – Support are FANTASTIC – the product – well – i am having problems with my trade copier so trying to resolve that but the system is taking out orders and by look of it – closing majority of them positively. I cant say anymore as i am currently having technical problems but the emails i got showing the trades that would have been opened were indeed closed in profit now. When i have resolved my issues and tested properly i will update. Support = answers to queries have an extremely quick response time. I am delayed in my reply back but I cant fault their support in the slightest.

  37. yeah, i just bought the 3 day trial offer. I only booked the basic plan and have 3 days to try it. It came with the usual upsells and I immediately thought, aha, another rippoff cos if its as good as the preamble, why the upsells ? It is Wednesday pm here and I thought I would get 3 days before the market closes, but after paying was informed of a possible 48 hour delay in processing. So I bummed out there. Anyway, time will tell.

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