200 pips daily profit is the latest mathematical Forex indicator being brought to us by Karl Dittman. The developer claims that this unique mathematical formula knows where the price will go every time enabling any trader with little to no experience to win almost every single trade.
Today I’ll be looking at the system a little closer and letting the Forex robot nation readers understand whether or not Karl Dittman’s latest product is meeting expectations.
200 Pips Daily Profit
Karl has been in the Forex market for a while now and releasing many indicators like the 200 pips daily profit system. None of these have ever really blown up to major success but a couple of friends of mine have had short runs using his indicator successfully. One of the main issues of had with his indicators in the past is that there usually isn’t a defined strategy that comes along with it. By this I mean that many of the indicators work on all time frames and all pairs.
For his latest product 200 pips daily profit we see screenshots with different pairs and different time frames so it doesn’t look like this is changed very much. It is very difficult for me to give my Forex robot nation seal of approval to Karl because I haven’t been able to use his software successfully myself.
Today I will not be recommending the 200 pips daily profit to the Forex robot nation community. I don’t necessarily know if this is a good or bad product at this point in time in this something I am certainly researching as the product was just released today. If you have some experiences with Carl that you would like to share or if you are currently using this software and want to let me know about it please leave your impressions below. I look forward to hearing from you and hope that you can shed some light on this new software by Karl Dittman.